Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video

P14 Game Development Road Map for Non-Programmers

8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday, June 19

Nautilus 1

Many learning professionals want to include games to enhance performance, improve safety, or increase regulatory compliance, but they don’t know where to start. They think they need programming skills or a large budget to outsource development. And, worse, they think that adding some points and badges to content is effective gamification. It’s not. Game mechanics and game psychology must be woven into each game element.

In this workshop, you will walk step-by-step through the process of creating an eLearning game, using an easy-to-follow blueprint that you can keep and use to begin creating games when you return to the office. You’ll learn about the seven key elements of game mechanics that an effective game must include, and you’ll identify the four types of gamer personalities—learning how to ensure your game motivates all four types. Through case studies, you’ll learn how to create immersive, compelling games with no programming skills. You will also identify the best platforms, media, and quests for effective game development.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the seven elements of game mechanics that must be present for an effective game
  • How to weave a compelling storyline into your game
  • About the four types of gamer personalities
  • Create game mechanics and interactions to be used in learning games using Construct 2
  • How to create a game app for mobile without needing programming skills
  • About the types of game rewards, and which ones are effective and ineffective for motivating learners

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Augmented reality games, animation, mobile platforms and options, and the best free or low-cost animation, video, and simulation technologies for gaming.

Andrew Hughes


Designing Digitally, Inc.

Andrew Hughes is the president of Designing Digitally, Inc. and has over a decade in the strategical planning and development of enterprise custom gamified learning solutions for government and Fortune 500 clients. Andrew is also a professor at the University of Cincinnati and prior to this was a contractor for the US Department of Education, Ohio Board of Regents, and General Electric. Andrew oversees a team of 30 employees and is focused on ensuring the clients’ challenges are met with engaging, educational, and entertaining learning experiences.

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