409 Solving Complex Problems with Game-Based Learning
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 20
Spinnaker 1
New for FocusOn this year! This is a popular session being offered twice. It's also available as session 606.
In business, you are often faced with problems that don’t have neat or clear solutions. There are often multiple solution paths and some solutions that are more optimal than others. How do you simulate the types of complex problems that you face in your career? How do you create interesting game-based learning that allows learners to explore different types of solutions?
In this session, you will examine a single case study in the use of BranchTrack. Throughout, you will learn about creating game-based learning interventions through a choose-your-own-adventure–style game development program. You will first explore the value of game-based learning, simulations, and failure in education. You will then examine one particular use of BranchTrack simulations in training passport acceptance agents. Afterward, you will learn about the features of BranchTrack that make it easy for instructional designers to develop simulation-based learning interventions.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to identify complex problems within your organization
- About the value of game-based learning, simulations, and failure in education
- How to create game-based learning interventions to teach complex problem-solving skills
- How to design a learning intervention using BranchTrack
Novice to intermediate designers and developers.
discussed in this session:

Jenny Saucerman
Online Learning Instructional Design Manager
Credit Union National Association
Jenny Saucerman is an online learning instructional design manager for Credit Union National Association. She joined CUNA in May 2018. Jenny has over 10 years of experience in the eLearning space, with a focus on simulation and game-based learning, assessment, and learning analytics. She holds a master's degree in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin- Madison.