204 Enhancing Your eLearning with Video Integration
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, June 20
Nautilus 1
Have you heard the saying “If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million”? Video content can explain very complex concepts, but usually lacks good navigation or interactivity. eLearning, on the other hand, delivers a great user experience, but often comes up short at conveying meaning with just words and pictures. Combining eLearning with video can give you the best of both worlds.
In this session, you will learn how to take large, unmanageable videos, break them into useful segments, and knit them into an eLearning template. You will discover how this enables your audience to navigate your content in a meaningful, organized fashion. Along the way, you’ll see how mixing different types of video content, such as conceptual and step-by-step instructions, with interactive elements can enhance the learning experience. You’ll also look at how to manage different types of content you receive from your team members and keep track of all the various elements as you produce your final product.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to use Camtasia Studio to take a large video and publish many smaller files
- How to build a Storyline template that seamlessly displays multiple videos in a specific order
- How to add navigation elements (next/previous buttons, chapter tabs) that allow a user to navigate to any part of your video content
- How content providers, who don’t have experience using an eLearning development tool, can provide video content for use in the final product
- Tips for getting various media elements (audio, screen recordings, graphics) from different members of your team
- How variables allow you to build a template that you can use to easily produce courses with varying numbers of videos
- How mixing content of different types (Camtasia, GoAnimate) works to enhance the learning experience
Novice to intermediate designers, developers, and project
discussed in this session:
Articulate Storyline, Camtasia Studio,
GoAnimate, and JavaScript.
Mark Stauffer
Senior Manager, Global Learning & Development
Mark Stauffer, a senior manager of global L&D at Brink’s, has been involved in the digital learning space since 1995, when he received his MS in instructional technology degree. A year later he was awarded a Brandon Hall Gold Medal for innovative design of a CD-ROM-based training program. He has always enjoyed exploring and incorporating the latest learning technologies available for any training project assigned to him. He is currently using his skills to provide Brink's global employees with exciting and engaging learning experiences.