1003 Video from the Business Perspective: Mitigating Risk and Maximizing Opportunities
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22
Management and Strategy
Seabreeze 2
Video is trending in L&D for good reasons. When video-based learning projects go right, they can resonate well with their audience and make a huge impact. However, when they go wrong, they can go very, very wrong. Why? Because there’s a substantial amount of financial, legal, branding, security, and relationship risk introduced when incorporating video into your learning strategy. So how can you safely create a more video-centric culture? And what processes and protocols need to be in place before you move forward?
In this session, you’ll learn how to better assess the risks and rewards of video-based learning within your organization. You’ll look at how to overcome common hurdles when getting the business on board with using video. You’ll even role-play conversations with key leadership in legal, marketing, IT, etc., and determine how to sidestep the roadblocks, mitigate the dangers, and maximize the opportunities for partnership. You’ll leave this session with resources that can help you start conversations and work to deliver successful video learning projects and initiatives.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to have empowering exploratory conversations with partners in your organization
- How to avoid common business problems and surprises when launching a video-based approach
- How to turn your video issues into assets for the business
- Where to look for additional resources within your organization
Novice to intermediate designers,
project managers, managers, and directors.
discussed in this session:
Video production software and project management

Sam Rogers
Snap Synapse
Sam Rogers, the president of Snap Synapse, creates more effective, efficient, and engaging ways to deliver learning for clients including Google, Capital One, Deloitte, and AAA. He produced YouTube’s first online certification training, and he is a writer, director, producer, composer, and performer for stage and screen. Sam also writes and speaks frequently at conferences, sharing his passion for solving the problems that matter and inspiring learners to action.