608 Gaming 101: Getting Started with Games
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 21
Seabreeze 1
Everyone plays games, so why not use that interest to help them improve their performance? This session will address how instructional designers and learning professionals can develop a gamification culture in their organization. By describing and experiencing the difference between gamification and gaming, you will learn how to incorporate gaming techniques into traditional eLearning designs.
In this session, you will hear about one team’s experiences in making this transition; as learning professionals in a Fortune 500 company, they were charged with taking a traditional instructor-led approach and making it blended, with all kinds of games. This session will include details on tools and execution at two large companies, including the development tools used along the way.
In this session, you will learn:
- About roadblocks for a large-scale implementation of a new approach
- The difference between games and gamification
- About key design considerations for developing games
- About the steps to move from an instructor-led approach to a game/mobile approach to learning
Novice to intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and
discussed in this session:
Microsoft Office Professional, Gomo Learning’s
responsive authoring tool, and Articulate Storyline 360.

Stephanie Daul
Learning Consultant
Stephanie Daul, an independent learner consultant, researches new learning and knowledge technologies and techniques. She also designs performance-improvement solutions for traditional classroom instruction, eLearning, and virtual sessions. As a consultant for global Fortune 500 companies, she creates synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences from analysis through implementation. Stephanie has designed and implemented over a dozen gamified learning experiences. She authored “Game Design for Learning” in ASTD’s TD at Work. Stephanie educates others on new technologies including mobile, QR codes, and xAPI. She holds an MA degree from Roosevelt University in T&D and a BA in education from Northern Illinois University.

Mira Mendlovitz
Instructional Designer
Medline Industries
Mira Mendlovitz, an instructional designer with Medline Industries, has been in the learning and development field for over 25 years. She has been involved in strategy, analysis, delivery, design, and development of learning. Mira works with internal clients to develop a range of learning solutions with a focus on how to blend learning to ensure stickiness. Through the years, she has led the implementation of many new learning technologies at a large Fortune 500 company; and she currently works with Medline, a multibillion-dollar manufacturer and distributor of medical supplies.