510 Ten Tips for Impactful Performance Support Videos
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 21
Spinnaker 2
Performance support videos are everywhere. From YouTube to the workplace, you can learn pretty much anything by watching a step-by-step video. Some of these videos are good; others, not so much. So how can you be sure that the video you are producing for your client or organization is high-quality—and effective?
In this session, you will learn 10 tips and tricks for producing a video that will have impact. These tips will help you through various stages of the development process, including pre-production, production, and post-production. You’ll get tips on tools, working with SMEs, equipment, output delivery, accessibility, and maintenance. And, time permitting, there may be a few bonus tips. This session won’t show you how to make your video. Instead, it will help you make your video better!
In this session, you will learn:
- How to determine which tools to use
- Tips for working with subject matter experts and clients
- Ideas for developing your video to suit the delivery method
- Tricks to assist you in every step of the production process
- Small ways to make a big difference in your video’s effectiveness
Novice to intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers.
discussed in this session:
Camtasia Studio, Adobe Captivate, Articulate
Storyline, Audacity, and Adobe Audition.
Chuck Jones
Senior Instructional Advisor
Orgwide Custom Learning Solutions
Chuck Jones is a senior instructional advisor with Orgwide Custom Learning Solutions. Since 1998, he has designed and developed numerous interactive, facilitator-led, technology-assisted learning and performance support tools. Chuck holds a master’s degree in education: curriculum and instruction, with a specialization in adult education.