Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video

111 When Games Go Small

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Tuesday, June 20


Seabreeze 2

Smartphones are everywhere, and one of the most common uses for these phones is to play games. Their smaller screens require more skill to create a strong learning experience, game experience, and user experience.

In this session, you will explore various mobile games and discuss the decisions that influenced their game design, learning design, and UX. You will examine the differences in each of these areas of design. You will discover the important role prototyping plays in game design. You will leave this session with an understanding of the basic principles you need to follow when designing games for smartphones.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the differences between game design, learning design, and UX design
  • About basic principles to consider when designing games for smartphones
  • Criteria for evaluating game design, learning design, and UX design
  • About the importance of paper prototyping mobile games before doing digital design or development

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, and project managers.

Sharon Boller

President and Chief Product Officer

Bottom-Line Performance

Sharon Boller is president and chief product officer of Bottom-Line Performance (BLP), a learning-solutions firm she founded in 1995. Sharon has grown BLP from a single-woman sole proprietorship to a $3 million+ company with 30 team members. Under her direction, BLP created the Knowledge Guru learning game platform, a platform that has received numerous industry awards, including the coveted Brandon Hall Gold award for best innovation in gaming and technology (2014). Sharon co-teaches Guild Academy’s Game Design live online course.

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