1005 Advertisers’ Secrets for Compelling Training Videos
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, June 22
Marina 6
In a world of short attention spans and the need to “break through the clutter,” how can you ensure your learning videos leave your audience remembering your message? Maybe it’s time to look outside L&D for inspiration and toward a field that already does this well: advertising. If advertisements can influence people to purchase items they don’t need, are there ways to use this field’s secrets to influence learners (and do this without their feeling manipulated)?
In this session, you’ll learn how the techniques that influence purchasing behavior can also change the behavior of your audience. You’ll find out what exactly makes an ad so compelling that it can persuade you to spend your money, then you’ll apply these secrets to make your next learning video successful. You’ll explore the hooks that grab viewer interest, the components that lead to an effective video concept, and a framework you can use to shape a successful learning-video strategy.
In this session, you will learn:
- About a strategic framework for designing and evaluating effective video for learning
- About two “hooks” that make the content in your learning video memorable
- About four components that make an effective video concept
- About two techniques for using drama to design or evaluate videos
Novice to intermediate designers and managers.

Danielle Wallace
Chief Learning Strategist
Beyond the Sky
Danielle Wallace is the chief learning strategist at Beyond the Sky: Custom Learning. Previously, as a marketing leader with Procter & Gamble and PepsiCo, she learned strategic marketing principles which she now applies to learning and development to create compelling breakthrough solutions. Danielle is a sought after speaker at global conferences and her thought leadership is found in numerous industry magazines and publications.