707 “We’ll Do It Live!”: Live Streaming for L&D
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 21
Spinnaker 2
Shooting video according to the script is one thing, but what about when the content is the conversation, or an interview with live Q&A? What about when there is no power to call “Cut!” and start again? No fixing it in post? No webinar agenda? How can you best leverage live interactions without compromising the recorded asset?
In this session, you’ll explore several different models of live streaming used for L&D. Programming formats, platforms, getting the word out, and your individualized organizational needs will all be addressed. The session will leverage lessons learned from live streams like the daily “L&D Talk,” the monthly “YouTube Certified Online Partner Hangout,” and others. You’ll learn how to keep your cool when everything goes wrong, and why this kind of content is becoming more familiar and important to learners. You’ll also look at some of the most common technologies and terms used for live streaming in the modern age.
In this session, you will learn:
- What is important in your live stream, and what isn’t
- About the top five most common mistakes and how to avoid them
- About technical setups that work
- About live-streaming strategies for L&D
- Critical communication tactics
Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and
discussed in this session:
Cameras, microphones, and live-streaming
Sam Rogers
Snap Synapse
Sam Rogers, the president of Snap Synapse, creates more effective, efficient, and engaging ways to deliver learning for clients including Google, Capital One, Deloitte, and AAA. He produced YouTube’s first online certification training, and he is a writer, director, producer, composer, and performer for stage and screen. Sam also writes and speaks frequently at conferences, sharing his passion for solving the problems that matter and inspiring learners to action.