SXAPI203 Outside the LMS: Four Creative Ways to Send Data
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM Thursday, October 25
Expo Hall: xAPI Central Showcase Stage
Sometimes you have to get creative to gather the data you need for your digital learning project. xAPI opens up the ability to track all sorts of activity that happens outside the LMS, but sometimes the “how” of getting that data calls for a bit of creativity.
In this session, you’ll look at how to capture data about classroom sessions, simple sensors, images and paper worksheets, and surveys. You can use this data to provide a complete picture of activity on a learning transcript, in learning analytics, in personalizing learning experiences, and triggering other actions or assignments. Four simple xAPI-based solutions will be shared in this fast-paced session: a simple classroom session roster that sends an xAPI completion statement to an LRS; a SurveyGizmo approach that captures weekly progress updates and can match that data up with Slack activity data to get insights about team productivity; a mashup of RocketBook and xAPI that can record flip charts and workshop activities as xAPI statements; and a simple conference door sensor that lets people know when the room is in use and sends an xAPI statement to an LRS.
In this session, you will learn:
- About options for capturing data outside of an LMS using xAPI
- About real examples of using xAPI to track data in a wide variety of situations
- What xAPI statements were used to create these examples
- How to rethink what actions you can capture, both digitally and in the real world, with xAPI
Designers and developers.
Technology discussed in this session:
xAPI, SurveyGizmo, LRS, LMS, and RocketBook.

Megan Torrance
Megan Torrance is CEO and founder of TorranceLearning, which helps organizations connect learning strategy to design, development, data, and ultimately performance. She has more than 25 years of experience in learning design, deployment, and consulting . Megan and the TorranceLearning team are passionate about sharing what works in learning, so they devote considerable time to teaching and sharing about Agile project management for learning experience design and the xAPI. She is the author of Agile for Instructional Designers, The Quick Guide to LLAMA, and Making Sense of xAPI. Megan is also an eCornell Facilitator in the Women's Executive Leadership curriculum.