703 Developing Yourself and Your Team Without Breaking the Bank
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, March 27
Management and Strategy
Salon 14
Your company does not pay for the rest of your team to attend conferences, courses, or outside development. Reports show that employees leave due to lack of training and development opportunities. What will you do? Your people are great! You don’t want to lose them. Without any budget dollars, how can you provide learning experiences for your team so their skills grow instead of getting stale?
In this session, you will investigate the world around you to create development activities for your staff. You will make a plan to take a field trip, map out your learning network, and find the online resources you need to stretch your team’s instructional design skills. Attending the occasional webinar is not enough to improve learning and development skills. One-stop-shop role? Design a plan for yourself! You can do it and not break the bank or your team budget. There might even be a good cookie recipe because everyone knows that you learn better when you have a plan for treats.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to use your city’s sites to build design skills
- About curation tools that keep you up to date on research and what’s in the news
- How to network for your team’s development
- About easy social media and phone apps to create challenges meant to develop
Designers and managers
Technology discussed in this session:
Curation tools like Flipboard, Paper.li, and Feedly; plus Twitter, LinkedIn SlideShare, Zappar, YouTube, Coolors, ZEEF, caption apps, and cellphone cameras

Heidi Matthews
Training Manager
Heidi Matthews spends her days connecting people, concepts, and systems in her role as training manager for Terracon, an engineering and scientist consulting company. A career that includes facilitation, instructional design, sales, and management for global and national companies, she has led teams with award winning results. Known on her team and in her learning community for ideas and developing people, sharing to aid other's success is her specialty.