610 Building Accessible Courses in Storyline
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, March 27
Salon 3
Course accessibility is a common task for developers and creates many questions. What makes a course “accessible”? How can you use Articulate Storyline to make courses accessible to a variety of audiences? How can you easily create closed captions and alternate text for your courses? What are some best practices when planning and developing WCAG or 508-compliant courses? How can you test courses to ensure accessibility?
In this workshop, you will learn what “accessibility” means and how you can use tools in Storyline to make your eLearning courses accessible. You will explore the idea of user experience, and how to optimize accessibility that will not only open your courses to a wider audience but also maintain the style and interactivity made possible in Storyline. Finally, you will discover tools, resources, and best practices for testing your eLearning modules for accessibility.
In this session, you will learn:
- What “accessibility” means for eLearning developers
- How to determine which Storyline tools to use for building compliant eLearning courses
- How to increase accessibility without decreasing functionality
- About tools and resources that will help you develop and test accessible eLearning courses
- How to create closed captions for your courses
- How to add alternate text for objects
Technology discussed in this session:
Windows or Mac with Parallels or VMWare Fusion, Articulate Storyline 360
Stefanie Lawless
VP Training
Yukon Learning
Stefanie Lawless is the vice president of training at Yukon Learning, where she manages the design and development of customizable off-the-shelf courseware in Rapid Course and provides virtual training for the Articulate suite of tools. She has spent more than 10 years training people on software products and policies, as well as developing eLearning content and custom courseware for organizations worldwide. Stefanie holds a BS in information technology and an MBA from Western Governor's University.