204 Cultivating a Self-Directed Learning Culture
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, March 26
Management and Strategy
Salon 16
Conventional wisdom says that people can self-provision their learning and professional development through internet-enabled access to resources and social networks. But studies indicate that employees are not necessarily skilled at managing their own professional development and leveraging digital tools for learning. With an abundance of resources available, people may become paralyzed by too much information and too many choices. And they may not have the time or savvy to find what they need and use it to develop their knowledge bases and skill sets. Nonetheless, you don’t want to resort to structured training programs as the only path for learning.
Drawing on theory and research related to learner motivation and self-directed learning, this interactive session will provide actionable advice on how to foster a learning culture in the digital age. You will explore the pillars of self-directed learning that influence people’s ability to manage their own development. You’ll take away a framework to quickly assess people’s readiness to learn, as well as specific strategies to improve learning agility. You’ll discover new roles for managers and learning leaders that will enable you to foster a learning culture in your organization.
In this session, you will learn:
- About the pillars of self-directed learning
- Specific strategies for strengthening those pillars
- About management’s role in building a learning culture
- About L&D’s role in supporting a learning culture
Designers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.)

Catherine Lombardozzi
Learning Strategy Consultant/Founder
Learning 4 Learning Professionals
Catherine Lombardozzi is a lifelong learning and development practitioner and founder of Learning 4 Learning Professionals. Her work advances the development of people who work in L&D roles. Catherine is an unabashed L&D geek who currently aspires to a writer-beach-walker hyphenate. She holds a doctoral degree in human and organizational learning from George Washington University and is author of Learning Environment by Design. www.L4LP.com