809 Performance Support: Enabling Productivity at Point-of-Work
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, March 27
Performance Support
Salon 18
Training alone cannot drive performance, only contribute to it; that’s the root of the problem. L&D already excels within long-held training paradigms to deliver effective knowledge transfer—it’s not wrong, it’s just not enough! The business needs workforce productivity, meaning consistent performance at Point-of-Work, where performance represents the productivity end of a learning-performance continuum. In the current training paradigm, Point-of-Work is out of scope. Traditional training needs assessments cannot inform “intentional design” frameworks like the Five Moments of Need or even 70:20:10, both of which enable convergence of learning with work. Point-of-Work and moments of need are also out of scope for existing LMS technology. Both the conversation and tactics must change, because stakeholders have a blind spot—they expect one thing, training, and it’s not enough.
In this session, you will learn: cross-industry tactics and methods to identify and apply; which conversations need to change, and a proven tactic to succeed; a methodology to build seamless continuity across a learning-performance continuum from Point-of-Entry to Point-of-Work; Point-of-Work assessment tactics to capture performance attributes across the learning performance ecosystem; and technology implications critical to adopting a Point-of-Work solution discipline.
In this session, you will learn:
- An effective technique to change the conversation to performance
- About core Point-of-Work performance attributes found in any ecosystem
- About the components of a Point-of-Work assessment methodology
- A strategy for integrating agile intentional design methods into frameworks like the Five Moments of Need
- About the technology implications of integrating performance support
Designers, developers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.)
Gary Wise
Founder/Principal Strategist
Human Performance Outfitters
Gary Wise, the founder and principal strategist at Human Performance Outfitters, is a workforce performance strategist and coach with performance consulting fueling his foundational discipline and perspectives. He is a 30- plus-year veteran of corporate L&D gigs and is now a Point-of-Work consultant and coach. Gary’s experience includes several performance support system integrations. He speaks at many local and national events, is a longtime blogger, and advocates for changing things mired in outdated paradigms. He recommends disruptive solutions that normally accompany shifting paradigms.