212 Create Compelling Infographics in PowerPoint
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Tuesday, March 26
Salon 4
Infographics are great tools to convey complex information in an elegant way. They can be the basis of engaging classroom training, interactive eLearning, or intuitive resources. And you can repurpose them for sales, marketing, HR, and conferences. But, creating a good infographic can be hard. You don't want it to just be nicely designed bullet points. To be effective, it must tell a story.
This session looks at the techniques involved in drafting infographics with visual hierarchies to convey meaning, followed by ways that you can quickly and easily construct your proposal graphics using nothing but PowerPoint. You'll examine the different uses for infographics and how they can be used to support a variety of training tools, or be standalone for quick microlearning or reference guides. There will be plenty of examples, from the immediately practical to the more long-term inspirational, so that you can get going now and improve over time. You'll find tips on design, layout, and visualization approaches, as well as some nifty productivity tips that will turn you into a PowerPoint legend.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to elegantly convey complex concepts in an infographic to tell your story
- Ways to structure your story into key components so that the graphic leads the audience through your story
- Techniques for using PowerPoint to create your infographic quickly and easily
- How to export your infographic as a small file to send, high res for print, or HTML5 for interactive web use
Designers, developers, managers
Technology discussed in this session:
PowerPoint, iSpring Converter Pro

Richard Goring
Richard Goring is a director at BrightCarbon, a presentation and eLearning agency. He enjoys helping people create engaging content and communicate effectively using visuals, diagrams, and animated sequences that explain and reinforce the key points.