P02 Honing Your Consulting Superpowers: A Focus on Needs Analysis
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Sunday, March 24
Salon 12
As designers, learning strategists, and consultants, we want to be able to rescue the teams and partners we work with from challenges and create effective solutions for them using our unique talents. To do this well, though, our needs analysis superpowers have to go beyond just fulfilling specific requests and instead deeply explore what’s really happening so we can envision how to effectively help. It’s a delicate task to dig into the right kinds of information and find a good solution before time runs out. To be effective, we need to sharpen our skills to ensure we’re getting to the heart of the issue quickly and solving the most significant problems.
This workshop is designed to amplify your ability to quickly gather the rich data you need to craft impactful solutions across the learning and performance ecosystem. You’ll get a needs assessment toolkit filled with templates and pointers; you’ll practice some of the trickier skills; and you’ll experiment using case studies as well as your own projects. You’ll leave the day feeling recharged to change the world.
In this session, you will learn:
- Three kinds of needs assessments: performance analysis, learning environment analysis, and leaner needs analysis—and when to use each
- Rapid assessment strategies: how to use standard data collection tools like interviewing, focus groups, and observation with super speed
- Assessment planning tools: data gathering worksheet and suggested “starter” questions for each type of analysis
- How to turn data from these assessments into novel, targeted recommendations using design thinking (empathy-building and ideation techniques)
Designers and managers.
Prerequisite audience knowledge:
Working knowledge of consulting and design processes, and some experience employing consulting skills.

Catherine Lombardozzi
Learning Strategy Consultant/Founder
Learning 4 Learning Professionals
Catherine Lombardozzi is a lifelong learning and development practitioner and founder of Learning 4 Learning Professionals. Her work advances the development of people who work in L&D roles. Catherine is an unabashed L&D geek who currently aspires to a writer-beach-walker hyphenate. She holds a doctoral degree in human and organizational learning from George Washington University and is author of Learning Environment by Design. www.L4LP.com