901 Writing an eLearning RFP That Generates Accurate Quotes
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, March 28
Management and Strategy
Salon 10
To hire a vendor to assist with an eLearning project, your organization may require you to issue an RFP (request for proposals) and obtain multiple quotes. When you get the quotes back, they may vary significantly. How do you know which one to choose? But the better question starts at the beginning of the process: How do you obtain accurate, apples-to-apples quotes from quality eLearning vendors? To receive good quotes, you need to issue an RFP that provides appropriate and clear information for the vendor to accurately price and schedule your project. Once you have accurate quotes, then you can decide which vendor is best for the project using a criteria-based, methodical approach.
In this session, you’ll look at strategies for writing an RFP that gives you the information you need to best determine which quote is right for your organization. You’ll examine eLearning pricing philosophies and pricing methodologies, and the information required in the RFP to calculate prices and timelines. You’ll also: look at sample RFPs that will generate apples-to-apples quotes and those that will generate vastly different quotes; review an eLearning RFP template and learn guidelines for using it; and share decision-making criteria and methodologies you can use in this process.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to describe and discuss eLearning project pricing methodologies
- What information is required to calculate prices and timelines
- How to write an eLearning RFP that generates apples-to-apples quotes
- A methodical, criteria-based approach to choose the best vendor for the project
Designers, managers, and senior leaders (directors, VP, CLO, executive, etc.)

Jennifer De Vries
BlueStreak Learning
Jennifer De Vries is the president and chief solutions architect at BlueStreak Learning. Jennifer, a CPT, has over 25 years of experience managing eLearning programs for companies such as IBM and Motorola. She frequently writes about eLearning for industry journals and is best known for her groundbreaking report, Rapid E-Learning, published by Bersin & Associates. In 2010, Jennifer was named one of the 20 most influential people in online learning by Online University Rankings. In 2016, she was named Most Influential Woman in eLearning by Corporate America News. BlueStreak Learning focuses on helping organizations successfully start and grow high-quality, customer-focused eLearning programs.