807 Show Me What You Got: Simulation as Assessment
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, March 27
Data and Measurement
Salon 11
You’re an instructional designer who cares about the efficacy of your course—in other words, you want to make sure your users are actually learning something. You start writing some multiple-choice questions and throw in some true/false questions for good measure. This is just what you do for educational assessment, right? Stop here for a second. Do you understand why you’re doing that? Are you interested in some alternative methods for assessing your learners?
This session will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of educational assessment. You will explore alternative methods of educational assessment in the form of simulations. Additionally, you will learn how different fields are turning to simulation-based assessments, and you’ll learn about some tools used to develop them in the eLearning community. Finally, you will see a live example of a simulation-based assessment developed in Storyline.
In this session, you will learn:
- Fundamental concepts in educational assessment
- Why simulations work as assessments
- How different fields are using simulation-based assessments
- How scoring methods work in simulation-based assessments
Designers and developers
Technology discussed in this session:
xAPI, iSpring, BranchTrack, and Storyline.
Jenny Saucerman
Online Learning Instructional Design Manager
Credit Union National Association
Jenny Saucerman is an online learning instructional design manager for Credit Union National Association. She joined CUNA in May 2018. Jenny has over 10 years of experience in the eLearning space, with a focus on simulation and game-based learning, assessment, and learning analytics. She holds a master's degree in educational psychology from the University of Wisconsin- Madison.