June 10 – 12 Austin, Texas

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Discussion Sessions

The Performance Support Symposium offers 45+ sessions, all laser-focused on helping you explore the strategies, technologies, and practices for enhancing your training efforts by putting information in the workflow, when and where it is needed. Learn from the experience of colleagues and industry leaders who are successfully improving individual performance within their organizations.

Featured Session

The Future of Performance Support: A Conversation with Allison Cerra

Allison Cerra, Technology and Marketing Expert

The renewed interest in performance support is powered by advancements in technology that enable workers to receive support in the context of work. As technology continues to advance at an ever-increasing rate, more opportunities to provide performance support will emerge. More…

The program is organized into five distinct tracks to give you a comprehensive look at the key areas you’ll need to address:


Find the right methodologies and tools to build a business case for PS, demonstrate its success, and nurture its growth in your organization.


Implement best practices that will make your next performance support project more efficient and effective.


Explore the critical first steps that you can take to start building PS solutions and incorporating them into your organizational culture.


Learn how performance support fits into and enhances your existing organizational learning strategy.


Learn about performance support technologies and the companies that can help you implement PS across your enterprise.

Learn from Organizations Like These…

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