MX106 Adopting Agile Development for Faster Delivery and Higher-quality Content
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Wednesday, March 16
Management Xchange Stage
ADDIE and traditional project management methodologies can take a long time and lack flexibility when it comes to requirements and/or timelines. Agile, however, addresses the key issues that we face as training professionals: How to deliver the highest value first, get materials to the public on a regular schedule, and empower teams to manage their own success. In this session you will learn the fundamentals of agile development and separate agile from rapid development. This session will also provide some tips and tricks for the transition from traditional project management and content development strategies to agile development.
Frankie Wolf
Instructional Designer/Product Owner
Frankie Wolf is the product owner of customer training for the HP Exstream software portfolio at HP. In this role, she is responsible for the overall strategy for delivering instructor-led and multimedia training materials on complex technical topics for professional users, primarily application developers. Frankie holds an MEd degree In instructional systems and learning technology and a graduate certificate in online teaching from the University of Missouri. She implemented the agile development methodology in September 2014 and has been successfully holding eLearning demos every two weeks since then.