109 Tracking Learning Experiences with the xAPI and PhoneGap
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, June 8
The Experience API is an eLearning software specification that allows learning content and learning systems to communicate with each other. The xAPI is appealing to mLearning developers who seek accessible solutions for learner activity tracking. At the same time, considering how diversified the mLearning and training ecosystem is, solutions such as PhoneGap can enable cross-platform delivery. Combining both tools allows for the delivery of a cross-platform solution with the ability to track learners’ experience.
In this session, you will explore the rationale and benefits of using learning analytics and tracking learning experience. You will also become familiar with the development process of cross-platform mobile applications using PhoneGap and Ionic Framework. You will learn how to implement the experience tracking with TinCanJS library, allowing your system to store the statements in the SCORM Cloud server. Finally, you will receive materials that allow you to build your own mobile learning solution equipped with the experience tracking.
In this session, you will learn:
- About the significance of cross-platform development
- How to prepare the SCORM Cloud server to receive the xAPI statements
- How to include and configure TinCanJS in your application
- How to use PhoneGap to build cross-platform mLearning solutions
- How to tag content in your application and enable it to send the xAPI statements
Intermediate designers and developers.
discussed in this session:
PhoneGap, Ionic, the xAPI and TinCanJS.
Agnieszka Palalas
Agnieszka Palalas is the chief executive officer of Mobi-Learning. An educator and innovator, Aga thrives on change and the opportunities it brings. For over two decades she has been exploring emerging approaches to teaching and learning as well as innovative technologies that enrich the teaching-learning relationship. She holds a doctor of education degree from Athabasca University. In her doctoral work, she concentrated on the effective design of mobile-assisted language learning solutions.
Przemyslaw Pawluk
Przemyslaw Pawluk is a chief technology officer of Mobi-Learning. Przemyslaw tries to blend theory and practice in the areas of teaching, research, and a development. Since 2011 he has been professor in school of technology at George Brown College, teaching mobile and web development. Przemyslaw has extensive experience working as software developer, designer, and tester. His research is focused on two areas: cloud computing (as a candidate in PhD program at York University) and mobile education (as part of the work at Mobi-Learning).