FocusOn Learning Concurrent Sessions
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If you’re new to video learning, the Video Foundations program offers you a set of carefully selected sessions that progress through the key areas you need to understand in order to harness the potential of video for learning.
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000 Developing Learning Professionals for the New World of Learning and Development
Concurrent Session
10:45 AM Wed, June 8
Track: Management
Focus: Mobile, Performance Support
Economic stress, learning technologies, global competition, and the learning sciences present opportunities and threats to learning and performance professionals. How will you respond as we move to more mobile, performance support, and video?
Read MoreThe Experience API (xAPI) has been in production for more than two years now, and it is becoming more important for training and development teams to learn the ABCs of this available set of technologies. Heed the call of that morning school bell and come ready to learn your ABCs. “A” is for the attributes, “B” is for benefits, and “C” is for the challenges of the xAPI experienced to date.
Read More102 BYOL: Moving Front-line Management Development from the Classroom to the Field
Concurrent Session
Organizations are investing more in developing front-line managers. Yet many are not satisfied with today’s solutions. They can provide high-quality learning content and deliver engaging classroom experiences, but they face a problem in helping learners transfer skills from the classroom and apply them in the field. How can we restructure front-line management development to reach beyond providing training and ensure that participants are actually proficient in the targeted skills?
Read More10:45 AM Wed, June 8
Track: Development
Focus: Mobile
With the combination of highly engaging content and on-the-go availability through mobile, eLearning is now reaching wider audiences. This reflects the power of mobile learning, but its combination with the xAPI is still evolving and is in its infancy. At the same time, mobile learning capabilities like collaboration, messaging, and offline use have yet to be harnessed by many learning platforms. Moreover, the analytical data collected using the xAPI are also underutilized.
Read MoreFormal online learning doesn’t work like it used to. Attention spans are decreasing, and mobile access is more critical than ever. So how do you create mobile learning without hiring experts or spending a fortune? And how do you get part-time employees to care about making shakes and smoothies?
Read MoreThe prerequisite to effective training retention is gaining the attention of students once they have left the training environment. This is not a trivial challenge! Employees ignore emails, never visit web portals, and forget about apps installed on their phones. How can you gain access to their attention to reinforce important training?
Read MoreYour business sponsor wants to cut costs and improve performance. Your end users want lots of high-quality, traditional training. You need solutions that focus on enabling performance through the use of both formal training and effective performance support. How can you effectively evaluate learning and performance needs and implement solutions that leverage both formal training and performance support in the most efficient way possible?
Read More10:45 AM Wed, June 8
Track: Management
Focus: Mobile, Performance Support, Video
Technology continues to advance rapidly, changing how people live and interact with the world around them. Today’s learning professionals face the challenge of staying ahead of this curve and tracking the technologies that are shaping the future of organizational learning, while at the same time recognizing technologies that may be more of a passing fad.
Read More108 What You Must Know to Select the Best Mobile Learning Development Tools
Concurrent Session
There are so many authoring tools on the market, and so many promise that they’ll let you create stellar mobile learning solutions. How can any organization make sense of which will serve it best? Is one enough, or do you need two? Are two enough, or do you need eight? You don’t randomly choose which car to buy. You don’t throw a dart at a map to decide where to live. Research is key, and consulting an unbiased expert can save a lot of time and cost. Choosing an authoring tool that you can use to create mobile lessons is no different.
Read More109 Tracking Learning Experiences with the xAPI and PhoneGap
Concurrent Session
10:45 AM Wed, June 8
Track: Development
Focus: Mobile
The Experience API is an eLearning software specification that allows learning content and learning systems to communicate with each other. The xAPI is appealing to mLearning developers who seek accessible solutions for learner activity tracking. At the same time, considering how diversified the mLearning and training ecosystem is, solutions such as PhoneGap can enable cross-platform delivery. Combining both tools allows for the delivery of a cross-platform solution with the ability to track learners’ experience.
Read MoreMicrolearning video is video-based content under one minute in length that learners primarily consume on mobile devices. The rise of user-generated micro-content has required the use of rapid storyboarding and predefined video content structures. As the length of the video decreases, so does the optimal format of the video.
Read MoreMany learning professionals have likely participated in the production of a training video and have probably even been a part of the design and development of an eLearning course. However, many may not have been a part of a solution using both video and eLearning that changes behavior, leading to measurable results.
Read MoreVideo technology is ubiquitous. However, many professionals become so preoccupied with whether they CAN produce a video that they often don’t stop to think about whether they SHOULD. Too often, this results in the development of ineffective content that doesn’t support user needs, wastes viewers’ time, and sets a poor precedent for the use of video within the organization.
Read MoreMicrolearning is a way to solve the problems facing L&D today: dwindling attention spans, shrinking budgets, knowledge workers with less time, and perhaps most challenging, the rapid evolution of technology that outdates skills as soon as they’re learned.
Read More10:45 AM Wed, June 8
Track: Management
Focus: Performance Support
Within the learning and development professional community, we don’t always focus on the tools we need to enable our performance. The phrase “The shoemaker’s children have no shoes” comes to mind here. In this session we will discuss a performance support solution created for instructional designers participating in the 5 Moments of Learning Need™ certificate program. We will preview the solution and discuss how it helps instructional designers both as a tool during learning and, more importantly, as a support tool while they apply 5 Moments of Learning Need™ methods on the job.
Read MoreSome research finds that customers who watch videos are 85 percent more likely to purchase. In addition, when leveraged appropriately, people may learn faster with video. The challenge today, then, is to leverage this information in a way that maximizes the impact of eLearning to increase knowledge and improve skills.
Read MoreCamtasia is a powerful tool for capturing and publishing conceptual videos and procedural demonstrations. But without some guidelines and best practices, it’s all too easy to spend days or weeks creating an ineffective video that is of little use to your audience. Not to mention that your organization increasingly expects your team to build more videos in half the time.
Read MoreInterviewing is a common way to gather information and a widely used approach in learning and development, HR, and marketing research. Capturing this information on video for analysis and reuse is a good way to extend the life of captured content. However, many people don’t know what makes one interview more effective than another in what they capture and the questions being asked.
Read MoreLearning organizations jump feet first into emerging trends without the right people, in the right seats, on the bus. The result of this approach is waste. Video production requirements go beyond the basic understanding of consumer electronics and, within the intersection of learning and development, can result in a considerable learning curve for quality production outcomes.
Read MoreSubject matter experts (SMEs) have expert knowledge to share. For rapid development situations or just-in-time training, SMEs can contribute good, solid content videos that can be shared with learners—and they can create the videos when they have the time or when a situation arises that would be a great video example, such as demonstrating a process or recalling a dangerous situation.
Read MorePractice makes perfect. Few would argue with that statement, but how do you provide enough time for ongoing practice and meaningful feedback with time-crunched employees?
Read MoreThe use of online video has become an essential part of teaching and learning. At the same time, it is challenging to provide accessible video accommodations for audiences across platforms and languages. Google thinks that all video material should be universally accessible—why not caption?
Read More209 Blending xAPI Analytics, DITA, and BPM for Next-gen Performance Support
Concurrent Session
Organizations transforming their businesses for new digital platforms and marketplaces need to make such transition as effective and painless as possible. During the rollout of new software platforms, companies need to continuously monitor the impact that new digital procedures and processes are having on workforce acceptance and customers’ engagement. More effective and intelligent solutions are needed to make companies cross the digital chasm—without falling into it.
Read MoreJuggling the related-but-different needs for effective formal learning and informal performance support can be daunting. So how do you keep your project from falling short in delivering client needs on time and within budget? How do you adjust when client needs are often changing? Agile provides a framework for adapting to change as it happens and working with the client to deliver the content most needed by learners.
Read MoreBusiness leaders often request training when there are better options available. Even when they do need “courses,” it’s often only to check off a box. In these situations, you have a responsibility to validate that creating a course is the most effective and efficient approach. Even when courses are appropriate, they’re rarely enough on their own to drive the change organizations need.
Read More212 Delivering the Goods: Developing a Performance Support Proof of Concept
Concurrent Session
As a performance support professional, you “get it,” but what if your leadership doesn’t? How do you prove that PS is the way to address a business issue and move your organization toward innovation? This session will review a step-by-step framework for developing a proof of concept and demonstrate several budget-friendly tools you can use to make PS come alive.
Read MoreWhen investing in technologies and applications to enable effective workforce performance support, who is buying? Who is investing time? Who manages them? Who creates the assets? Who deploys the assets? Who are the beneficiaries?
Read MoreAs organizations roll out mobile devices across the enterprise, opportunities to improve personal productivity emerge for savvy users. But others who aren’t as knowledgeable about mobile technology may not realize the full potential of these devices and the mobile platform. This session will review how to tackle the knowledge gap to help bring new mobile users up to speed and improve enterprise competency with mobile tools and technologies.
Read MoreEnsuring that content from suppliers and developers will work on mobile in your environment is tough. Things get tougher with multi-platform desktop and mobile and bring-your-own-device environments. How can one readily test, verify, debug, or demonstrate mobile eLearning in an LMS?
Read MoreTwo of the most popular technologies used to engage learners today are video and mobile. Videos are becoming increasingly interactive, even on mobile devices, but developing these videos can be complex. Where does an organization start?
Read MoreThe explosion of mobile devices has revolutionized the web design world, which has shed approaches based on centuries-old printing methods to embrace a new grammar of design, responsive web design (RWD). But the world of learning has not caught up. Like learning any new language, working in RWD means learning to think differently. Thinking differently, though, gives you an opportunity to change how you design learning experiences for the better.
Read MoreFor many organizations, the front-line staff would most benefit from mLearning, yet challenges arise when this audience has different levels of technological adoption and is geographically dispersed. For all learners, mLearning needs to be intuitive, effective, and simple. How can L&D professionals make the best possible mLearning solutions that truly deliver on the learning objectives?
Read More306 How Disruptive Learning Technologies Deliver Higher Knowledge Levels
Concurrent Session
There is a lot of mediocre training out there. This can be attributed to a shortage of time and money available to corporate training departments. Many of the DIY development tools currently in use yield passive learning experiences that are not engaging and do not require critical thinking or problem-solving skills. We are out to change that by using game-based technologies to improve engagement and produce measurable results.
Read More307 Learn Virtually Anything, Anywhere, at Any Time
Concurrent Session
2:30 PM Wed, June 8
Track: Management
Focus: Mobile
As training audiences are deployed with mobile devices to use for training and performance support, performance technologists often face challenging logistical and infrastructure constraints when building performance solutions.
Read More2:30 PM Wed, June 8
Track: Development
Focus: Mobile, Video
The convergence of mobile delivery, micro-learning, and new authoring tools provides great opportunities to innovate where limited time and budget are available. Much mobile-delivered micro-learning focuses on spaced repetition and memorization. Micro-sims go beyond knowledge and comprehension and require learners to synthesize and apply concepts in realistic contexts.
Read More309 Creating High-quality Training Videos on a Tight Budget
Concurrent Session
You could buy a midsize house with the amount charged for training by some video production companies. So how do you produce a professional-quality training video on a nearly nonexistent budget? A video that you can be proud of, that “represents”? That includes on-screen talent and a technical demonstration at the same time?
Read MoreVideo is a great way to get the user’s attention and animate your content to audio, but it has a tendency to be static, not allowing the user to interact with the content on the screen.
Read More311 Promoting the Learning Experience Through User-generated Videos
Concurrent Session
L&D is vital to the continued growth of any organization, but how do you develop relevant content that your employees can relate to? And how do you keep your employees engaged and involved in the process of learning?
Read More312 Creating Question-embedded Videos to Increase Engagement and Retention
Concurrent Session
Online video-based instruction can be just as ineffective as traditional face-to-face lectures when learners are passive recipients of information. The “testing effect” describes the observation that the process of remembering concepts or facts increases long-term retention of those concepts or facts. The creation of question-embedded videos offers a practical way to increase user engagement and increase long-term retention.
Read MoreIncorporating gaming techniques (serious games, social games, and gamification) within educational programs and corporate training experiences is one of the hottest topics in the learning and development field today. If your organization isn’t already leveraging the power of gaming, then this session is the perfect way to quickly assess whether and where mobile gaming and gamification techniques are right for your organization.
Read More401 Performance Support and Video Microlearning: The Perfect Marriage
Concurrent Session
Performance support personnel need support themselves. This can range from teaching them how to set up and get started using an app to quickly training them in a few fundamental skills necessary to make the most of the tool.
Read MoreMobile learning is mostly done alone. Think of your last few mobile learning excursions. Were they net positive experiences where you learned along with others? Hopefully you weren’t alone. Alone, it’s you and the problem. Being able to bounce ideas off others opens up more perspectives and ways of knowing.
Read MoreLet’s face it: Learning content is getting out of control. Designers and developers can’t find anything and end up reinventing the wheel. This is a symptom of content overload, a condition as organizations try to make content more bite-sized, modular, and mobile to meet the needs of modern learners. Learners are experiencing it, too. As organizations adapt learning strategies, content strategy must follow.
Read MoreMobile first is the standard in today’s learning and development industry. Companies need ways to be able to reach their sales reps wherever they are. Many companies do not have the means to develop device-agnostic mobile applications for learning in the time frame needed to provide just-in-time learning. Mobile messaging can offer a just-in-time learning solution without the development time.
Read MoreDo the people who most need your mobile learning reside internationally, although you are apprehensive of taking on a global launch? Do you want to learn more about the considerations that impact your global mobile learning success? Maybe you have a solid plan, or maybe you are ready to take the jump and want to validate your strategy with a global organization on the same journey.
Read MoreThe 70:20:10 model holds that 70 percent of learning happens informally on the job. However, there are a lot of distractions at work that inhibit the amount of learning that can be achieved—deadlines, coworker interruptions, meetings, etc. Also, since learning is an afterthought when performing your job, it’s a fairly inefficient process, especially when compared to the other 30 percent, where learning is typically the overarching theme.
Read MoreAdobe Captivate is a widely used authoring tool for eLearning courseware and mobile learning experiences. Now Adobe offers developers the opportunity to create responsive animations to their mobile learning projects.
Read MoreMany people accept that the way to extend learning solutions to the moment of need is through performance support. But while L&D professionals recognize the value of this approach, actually knowing how to take existing projects and transform them into solutions that truly support people in the moment can be a challenge.
Read More“If you taught them this, why don’t they do it?” Educational services staff at Saint Vincent Hospital got tired of hearing this question and started looking for a new learning paradigm for the institution. The solution was found in performance support. By blending learning opportunities and performance support for associates before a class, during a class, and on the job, organizations are able to significantly impact job performance.
Read More410 BYOL: An Effective Performance Support Tool for the Budget Constrained
Concurrent Session
Today, PS enthusiasts in small organizations, or in smaller business units of larger organizations, often lack access to the funds and support needed to build an effective PS solution. Today’s commercially available PS authoring applications, and their corresponding methodologies, exceed their reach. They need a minimalist process, structure, and model for building powerful PS solutions despite their budgeting and staffing constraints: a PSS for the rest of us.
Read More411 Atomic Performance Support! Mobile App for Nuclear Medicine Production
Concurrent Session
4:00 PM Wed, June 8
Track: Management
Focus: Mobile, Performance Support
Learning and development professionals strive to meet on-the-job performance support needs in a typical work environment. Now, imagine the needs of a laboratory where employees are responsible for manufacturing radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive drugs). Cardinal Health technicians operate in a highly regulated lab environment with ever-changing operating procedures that affect a manufacturing process in which one misstep could impact a patient.
Read MoreWe all know that video is an incredibly effective learning method. Learners can remember up to six times more from trainings and classes that incorporate videos than they do from those that don’t. Many trainers, however, are not sure how to most effectively use videos; simply showing clips is not the best method. In fact, it’s a missed opportunity!
Read More413 Forgetting What We Know: Re-conceiving Performance Support as Performance Learning
Concurrent Session
4:00 PM Wed, June 8
Track: Design
Focus: Performance Support
With its shift of learning away from information overload delivered in large chunks to learning in more manageable increments within the context of work, performance support is already an improvement on traditional methods of training. Looking to further improve learner performance, in this session we’ll discuss the possibilities of imagining “support” as “learning” with insights from psychological and neuroscience research. Building on unconventional notions about the nature of memory, constructing learning methods on a “remembering” curve, and attending to the learning environment are just a few of the opportunities we will explore in this open conversation with panelists.
Read MoreThe impact of video for learning is growing more evident, and its inclusion in traditional eLearning enhances the opportunities to impact performance. Are you ready to add videos to your online learning capabilities but don’t know where to start? This session’s 10 tips and tricks will set you on your way to incorporating video into your training.
Read MoreWorking with developers to create whiteboard explainer videos can be risky, expensive, and time consuming. It is also challenging to find developers who truly understand your message and how best to present it visually to your specific audience.
Read MoreYears of momentum have resulted in a collection of use cases for teams seeking to leverage the xAPI to better track, measure, and manage their learning efforts. The time is now; the xAPI can improve the ways you create and deliver content and classes, track interactions, communicate, and measure performance. Armed with knowledge and the proverbial “Swiss Army knife” of xAPI functions, you can begin to “slice, saw, tweeze, and pick” your way through training obstacles.
Read More504 Interactive Videos, Video Analytics: Turning Learner Attention into Engagement
Concurrent Session
In the ever-shortening attention span, single-track video-based learning has started to fall behind, as traditional video-based learning tends to push learners into a passive role. On one side, new ways need to be identified to increase learner engagement; and on the other hand, making rightful use of existing video content is critical from a cost perspective. Moreover, abilities to measure learner engagement levels are very limited. Interaction turns attention into engagement, and interactive, personalized video is changing the learning landscape altogether.
Read MoreWell-rounded eLearning courses leverage multiple elements to enhance learning. These may include video, audio, activities, text, and images. How do you ultimately know whether these elements, in particular the complex activities and videos you crafted, are in fact enhancing understanding? How can you better determine whether there is a relationship between the activities and end-user performance?
Read MoreScreencasts can be a powerful tool for eLearning developers. Well-produced screencasts can be great for software simulation, process demonstration, or providing background and context within an eLearning course. Screencasts are relatively easy and cheap to produce. However, poorly produced screencasts can be, at best, boring—and, at worst, injurious to your learning goals. While many take the idea of screencasts for granted, there are a number of techniques that can improve screencast quality and engage learners more deeply and for longer periods of time.
Read MoreVideo is eating the Internet. We’re consuming and creating more of it than ever, and 64 percent of consumers identify as binge watchers. But these trends don’t just apply to entertainment content—they’re having a huge impact on learning, and learners’ expectations, too.
Read MoreLearning practitioners strive to understand the real-life environment of experts as much as possible. But getting access to really see how people do their jobs when they are in a more technical or hands-on role (e.g., construction, refinery, or factory work) is difficult. Often, learning practitioners can’t use video or real-life images because of safety or clearance constraints. This poses a challenge as they try to create impactful learning materials.
Read More509 Gamifying Change Readiness: Priming the Moment of Apply
Concurrent Session
10:45 AM Thu, June 9
Track: Design
Focus: Performance Support
If your organization is going through change, you’re probably doing a lot to make sure your people are prepared—videos, emails, tools, learning, meetings, etc. The problem is motivating people to care enough before go-live (before the moment of apply) to engage in those helpful experiences. Here’s an example of how you can elevate your change initiative above the noise and get your people to want to get ready.
Read MoreImplementing effective performance support is challenging. How do you deliver useful information at the time of need without being disruptive to the employee’s workflow? How do you integrate the content effectively within the context of the user’s task at hand? How do you leverage the available technology (devices, web access, security) to reach the target audience and provide a strong user experience?
Read More511 Shifting the Organizational Mindset to Performance Support
Concurrent Session
10:45 AM Thu, June 9
Track: Management
Focus: Performance Support
Performance support is very different from training. In a world where many people are conditioned to think that learning should look like school, with teachers, students, and formal instruction, it can be difficult to get an organization and its workers to adjust to a performance support approach.
Read MoreWith more companies taking advantage of satellite offices and field employees, recognizing the differences in their needs from on-site teams is crucial. Their physical distance from training and marketing teams means they can’t easily access key information, and when they can, it’s often out-of-date. The result? A potentially negative impact on your relationships with top channel partners.
Read More513 How Grainger Moved from Strategy to Reality with a Multi-national Performance Support Program
Concurrent Session
10:45 AM Thu, June 9
Track: Management
Focus: Performance Support
As a follow-up to 2015’s Performance Support Symposium presentation, we present the results and lessons learned!
Read MoreThe eLearning world has rapidly moved into a world of mobile everything. Media is delivered on devices that fit into the palm of a hand. People make calls and read emails on their phones, they communicate by texting, and they watch streaming video. They also have lessons on their mobile devices, but is this an entirely good thing?
Read More602 BYOL: Augmented Reality in Teaching and Training Practice Using ARIS
Concurrent Session
1:00 PM Thu, June 9
Track: Development
Focus: Mobile
Augmented reality (AR) pervades everyday life as well as teaching and training practice. It is a powerful learning tool, allowing the learner to gain hands-on practice in a real-world context by imposing useful information over objects and situations. With growing popularity, AR gets better and more user-friendly tools. This allows educators to move the learning of practical skills outside the walls of the classroom.
Read MoreMany organizations have taken the desktop eLearning paradigm and simply applied it to mobile technologies, but that does not take advantage of the uniqueness of the mobile platform. Furthermore, traditional eLearning templates do not always translate well in a mobile environment.
Read MoreBinders. One-sheets. Printouts. For salespeople and those who work on the road, the backseat is full of them. They are used not only for collateral but also for training customers on products and services. But are these the right tools? What if the customer has only five minutes? How can an individual quickly and efficiently discuss a topic in an engaging way and avoid the paper clutter?
Read MoreThe current state of mobility and the demand it has created for shorter content lengths, collaborative environments, and personalized experiences are the primary drivers of a renaissance that sees learning seeding itself in practically every environment encountered by today’s worker. Learning has propagated beyond the LMS, beyond the classroom, beyond performance support tools. Organizations must come up with new eLearning strategies and archetypes to work within this evolving learning ecosystem.
Read More606 Mobile Design and Development Competencies for eLearning Professionals
Concurrent Session
Desktop platforms are giving way to mobile in many contexts. Opportunities abound. But eLearning designers and developers are used to a different set of paradigms undergirded by different competencies than those they need to design and develop mobile solutions.
Read More607 Flipping the Mobile Model: Beacons, Tablets, and xAPI Tracking
Concurrent Session
It has always been tricky to track experiences and results when learning happens outside the LMS. Using the xAPI, you can track a huge amount of activity with a robust and flexible specification. The next challenge is to identify learners and capture what they do in the real world in digital format, then put that data to use for learners, their leadership, and the learning and development organization.
Read MoreElectronic performance support systems, workflow learning, just-in-time training, help on steroids. Even though performance support (PS) has existed as a concept for more than 25 years, its many names are a testament to how difficult it can be to explain, let alone sell, PS to customers, senior leaders, or sometimes even your own team.
Read MoreWith the proliferation of mobile deployment to training audiences and rapidly emerging technology, training and development professionals often struggle with keeping their mobile knowledge and skills current. Sprint University confronted this problem head-on by implementing a mobile learning program.
Read MoreThe Nature Conservancy recently implemented a new constituent relationship management (CRM) application used by more than 1,000 staff members across the organization. The new CRM application not only changed how staff tracks and manages constituent relationships in an application, but also significantly changed the business processes surrounding CRM. An instructor-led training program was developed; however, staff needed ongoing support to address knowledge gaps and ongoing changes to the business processes.
Read MoreGetting started is often the hardest challenge when implementing a performance support solution. You have recognized the need for performance support and want to implement it in your organization, but where to begin? What factors should you take into consideration? What resources are required? Where should you first deploy the solution? Across which business processes? These questions and more will be addressed in this session.
Read More1:00 PM Thu, June 9
Track: Design
Focus: Performance Support
Performance support can be a powerful addition to an organization’s learning and performance ecosystem as it is tasked with delivering more content in less time. Well-designed performance support solutions provide task-based information in a layered approach for intuitive fingertip access to specific resources at the performer’s moment of need. But how do you really design for the moment of apply?
Read More613 Ready, Set, Go! Managing Your Performance Support Process for Success
Concurrent Session
Preparing to implement a performance support process requires forethought and planning, but it doesn’t need to be daunting or overwhelming. In this session, we will explore ways you can prepare for a successful implementation and share real-world examples of how outlining the right steps beforehand will ensure the best outcome.
Read MoreClassroom clickers, or student response systems, have become high-demand classroom tools in schools, universities, and training programs across the country. St. John Ambulance has several very traditional in-class public courses that needed more whole-class engagement through mobile technology. The company couldn’t afford $100,000 to equip 26 branches with hard-wired clickers but instead sought to boost knowledge of the material, student engagement, and instructor comfort with a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) solution.
Read MoreYou have been hearing about the xAPI for years. You know what it does and the benefits it brings, but how do you use it? Where do you start? Where can you see samples? What kind of data can you send over? In this working session, you won’t just hear about the xAPI—you’ll start learning how to use it with any of your HTML5 files.
Read More703 Interactive Video Technologies: The Gimmicks vs. the Game-changers
Concurrent Session
In the 21st century, it’s increasingly challenging to keep people engaged in content. Today’s learning professionals must employ new technologies to influence and change attitudes and behavior. Interactive video is one of those technology solutions that the market is gravitating toward, and for good reason. However, there are many different solutions out there, and not all are created equal. When instructional designers and eLearning professionals are selecting technology for their programs, where should they begin?
Read More704 Beyond Content: Using Mobile to Foster and Manage Informal Learning
Concurrent Session
Employees learn many of their job competencies from one another. But it’s hard for a manager to know what they’re learning, from whom, and how well they’ve learned it. These informal interactions are almost impossible to track, and it’s hard to keep bad habits from spreading. If managers had a way to track and guide this informal learning, it would become a powerful part of employee development.
Read More705 Building a Business Case for mLearning Within Your Organization
Concurrent Session
Mobile learning has tremendous value, but for many organizations, going mobile is a big step. That’s why, when trying to develop a mobile learning culture within your organization, often the hardest part is convincing internal stakeholders. Amid budget constraints, complex infrastructures, IT restrictions, and philosophical misalignment, how do you make a compelling case for mLearning within your organization?
Read More706 Advanced Augmented Reality: OCR Case Study on Facial Detection and More
Concurrent Session
Optical character recognition (OCR) technology can take your magazine article, brochure, or PDF, single out letters on the image, and put them into words, enabling you to access and edit the content. Similarly, facial recognition software breaks down an image and can provide data related to gender, age, and ethnicity. Couple these with interior location technology, and you have the potential for powerful organizational learning opportunities.
Read MoreWhat’s the best camera for a shoot? The definitive answer is, the one you have with you.?The ubiquity of the mobile camera means that when you’re in the presence of great instructional content, it can become video in seconds, multiplying the opportunities for eLearning developers to capture content. In addition, viewers are developing a special respect for authentic-looking video—footage that looks raw, real, and genuine. Many training videographers have moved to iPhones as their main production equipment, even on high-production-value shoots. eLearning developers are poised to profit from this stylistic convention.
Read MoreHave you ever watched television? If so, you understand the seductive power of video and its ability to engage and sustain our interest. Video can deliver vast amounts of information with phenomenal efficiency. The problem, however, is that video is a one-way medium. Learners remain passive and cannot participate in the rich interactions present in the traditional classroom, which increase both conceptual learning and learning transfer.
Read MoreText expansion is an inherent challenge with localizing any content. Accommodating the additional scripts or subtitles poses different technical and content challenges than do traditional eLearning courses developed using authoring tools.
Read MoreIncreasingly, companies must use innovate ways to add to the bottom line. Unlike previous disrupters in mobile and eLearning, Gear VR, powered by Oculus, takes video experiences to the next level. Where does virtual reality fit into an organizational learning strategy? How does an organization effectively move forward to maximize its capability?
Read More712 Mirror and Model: Dual-purpose Video for Leadership Development
Concurrent Session
Performance on leadership development competencies, like coaching, influencing, and speaking skills, has an ineffable quality difficult to capture in words. If you want to explain what’s great and what to work on while evaluating participants, you or they will miss something in the translation from behavior to observation to words on a page.
Read MoreConcise visual metaphors facilitate the best learning. Think back to high school, college, or a meeting where you experienced that “aha” moment while someone was drawing on a whiteboard. How can you reproduce this learning experience online with a small budget and without an art degree? Whiteboard-style recordings can be just as effective as the fancy Flash or HTML5 videos you might produce with more expensive software.
Read More2:30 PM Thu, June 9
Track: Management
Focus: Performance Support
Undefined business processes, untested and incomplete systems, continually changing requirements, and scope creep—sound familiar? One or all of these conditions can wreak havoc on a project and cause it to continue on well past its targeted end date. How do you develop content for a project that continually evolves? How do you maximize limited resources under these conditions? How do you survive the project that never seems to end?
Read MoreThis session addresses learning designers’ challenges with determining which type of performance support is suitable for a given audience, their role, and the tools they have access to in their work environment. At the Bank of Montreal, access to technology-based performance support varies widely and affects how learning and transfer materials can be designed.
Read MoreMobile is happening. These days, the question isn’t whether you should be going mobile, it’s whether your project should lead with mobile or whether mobile should be the companion. There is a difference between designing a mobile-first and an (insert other technology here)-first project—a difference that flips your project strategy on its head.
Read MorePhotoshop is arguably the most widely used tool for creating images in learning circles. However, if the images aren’t optimized, they can delay the delivery of the content to a mobile device. Photoshop also has a number of new features built in, and these features can assist in improving images from good to excellent.
Read More803 BYOL: Mobile Learning Metrics You Should Measure (But Probably Don’t)
Concurrent Session
Free tools like Flurry Analytics and the xAPI can reveal important characteristics about how individuals learn while on the job, and they can help managers and course developers make design and technology decisions to best suit the needs of their end users. With thoughtful analytics implementation, derived from performance improvement plans and learning goals, managers can better understand what aspects of their course were successful and understand early where the learning gaps appear.
Read MoreWith the release of the “granite” version of cmi5, the next generation of SCORM has finally arrived. To take advantage of cmi5, you will need a new tool set in your development kit. First, you need to know how to send xAPI statements that conform to the cmi5 specification. Then you need to know how to read and write to the xAPI State and Agent services following the cmi5 rules.
Read MoreMobile learning is one component in a whole learning ecosystem. Many organizations have discovered what does not work: simply pushing existing content out to mobile as though it were merely an infrastructure. To design and deliver effective mobile learning requires a new design mindset: a mindset for mobile. This will help the organization adapt its approach to truly unlock the power of mobile learning.
Read MoremLearning has been on the radar for a few years now, but many organizations are still getting started. And that’s a vulnerable position; there are a number of mistakes that are easy to repeat if you haven’t been paying attention and really gotten steeped in the possibilities. Further, the field is changing rapidly. Yet with some basic models that help you “think different,” you’re ready to take advantage.
Read MoreMost instructional designers have experience creating storyboards prior to developing eLearning solutions. The storyboarding process enables the designer to work through a concept and test various ways of structuring content. Storyboards are also used to communicate design concepts to eLearning developers when working in teams to build training solutions.
Read More808 From Knight to Today: Evolving at the Speed of Mobile
Concurrent Session
4:00 PM Thu, June 9
Track: Management
Focus: Mobile, Performance Support
Skill training in first aid had changed little since the Knights of St. John formalized the process in the 11th century. The focus had been on in-class demonstrations, in-class practice, and paper-based exams, and students updated their skills only every three years. Fast forward to 2016; people aren’t learning that way anymore. So how do you transform hundreds of years of subject matter expertise into a 21st-century learning solution? Follow St. John Ambulance’s journey from inspiration at mLearnCon 2014 to leaping forward to embrace evolution through mobile learning.
Read MoreVideo can be an effective tool for workplace learning. In the past, producing video required sophisticated cameras, lighting, and editing equipment. Today, almost anyone can produce video, but the challenge is how to do so effectively, with sufficient quality, and on a limited budget.
Read More810 Data-driven Meets Learning: Using Analytics to Measure ROI and Improve Design
Concurrent Session
Video is the go-to medium in society, and it can be a valuable tool for delivering performance support and training. Most companies are searching for metrics to evaluate the impact of learning content produced, including videos, and asking learning teams to demonstrate ROI: Does their content produce measurable benefits? Which design techniques result in the best content? Without being able to successfully leverage analytics, learning teams cannot answer.
Read More811 Hit ‘Em with Your Best Shot: Pro-quality Video Production on a Budget
Concurrent Session
For trainers or educators who need to stay relevant and maintain their creative edge, a fundamental knowledge of basic video production and editing is essential. Creating effective, professional-quality video training for delivery on multiple devices, including smartphones and tablets, presents a variety of design challenges that require specialized planning with attention to image composition, duration, script writing, recording methods, and editing techniques.
Read MoreFinding ways to make learning “stick” with technology is always a challenge. Augmented reality (AR) is one of those “make it stick” technologies. With AR, you enable students to interact with the world using their mobile devices. This can improve their understanding of lessons through direct interaction with the objects around them. Now add video to AR projects, and you’ve combined a popular medium of instruction with cutting-edge tech.
Read More813 From Databases to Simulations: How to Leverage Interviews with SMEs
Concurrent Session
Capturing intellectual property has become imperative as more employees job hop or retire, taking the company “secret sauce” with them. L&D pros need to adopt efficiencies for SME video interviews in order to leverage their wisdom for state-of-the-art knowledge transfer.
Read More4:00 PM Thu, June 9
Track: Design
Focus: Performance Support
The performance support industry has been searching for a true “blended learning” solution for years and has fallen short because it has been about blending training only. That has limited instructors’ impact and reach beyond the classroom, leaving them to be seen as event-based only.
Read MoreMoments after a performance support solution has been introduced, it is quite possible that it contains irrelevant or inaccurate information due to the constant state of change businesses are experiencing in technology, policy, and process. A core tenet of performance support is that it is immediately helpful. Often, it takes just one irrelevant or inaccurate experience to cause a user to abandon a performance support solution permanently.
Read More901 BYOL: You Already Know How to Build mLearning (You Just Don’t Know It)
Concurrent Session
Mobile learning is rapidly becoming a must-have for organizations big and small. For most designers, getting started is a huge hurdle they have yet to overcome. Considering all the new technology, platforms, authoring tools, and skills required to make it all work can paralyze even the best learning pros.
Read More902 BYOL: Using Trivantis Lectora 16’s New Responsive Design
Concurrent Session
With version 16, Lectora is now fully ready for you to create responsive design lessons—those that will work equally well on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Read More8:30 AM Fri, June 10
Track: Design
Focus: Mobile, Performance Support
Most performance support systems assume an environment where Internet and a tablet or laptop are available. However, there are situations in which access to Internet devices is not possible, like in remote education or when sales agents work in remote areas. In such places, SMS is the only channel for delivering performance support.
Read MoreIncluding media in the training you create can be a fantastic way to make your content easier to understand and remember. But you don’t always have the time and budget to hire someone to create these design assets for you, and sometimes stock media just won’t cut it. There is another option, however: creating media yourself. And you likely already have two tools that can help you out—your smartphone and tablet. By knowing more about the apps and tools that can help you create some of the media needed, and by using a device you already own, you can be more efficient and keep project budgets down.
Read MoreWhile technology has transformed people’s lives, L&D has primarily stayed the same. Sure, the industry has evolved by utilizing technology to access and track content, but it is still focused on the traditional course mentality. Should you be going down the same path with mobile learning? What are the opportunities for mobile to help promote a fundamental change in how and when you provide education?
Read MoreWhen they go right, video projects can go incredibly right! But when they go wrong, they can go very, very wrong. The stakes are higher with eLearning in video form because of the costs, expectations, and limitations in making updates to content.
Read MoreWhen hiring entry-level employees who need to be able to start work immediately, you need to ensure they have the skills required to complete the job. It isn’t always practical to have a manager supervising them through each step of their job when working on a tight deadline. Using online video, the new hire can learn the processes of the organization while completing work.
Read MoreEducational video distribution is a moving target, and the options for distributing video can be daunting. Apple, Amazon, Google, and others all have separate ecosystems for video distribution. The ultimate solution for many is to have a presence in each ecosystem; however, learning exactly how to prepare videos, apps, and metadata content for each can be time-consuming and confusing.
Read MoreVideo is all around us. But what does video actually do to the brain? And are there best practices to keep in mind when you use video for learning? A nice video is not always a good video for learning purposes.
Read More910 Creating a Responsive Mobile Performance Support Module
Concurrent Session
8:30 AM Fri, June 10
Track: Development
Focus: Mobile, Performance Support, Video
Incorporating video in a responsive performance support project can be daunting. Video done for vertical delivery comes with specific dos and don’ts. This session shows how to use vertical video, the new Adobe Animate CC, and Adobe Captivate to make cost-effective, rapid mobile performance support modules.
Read MoreTeaching real-world skills and allowing learners to immediately apply those skills is challenging. Simulations can be effective, but expensive and time-consuming, especially when evaluating and giving feedback to help learners improve their practice.
Read MoreL&D personnel, from learning leaders to instructional designers to technology innovators, all face a common challenge: How to “sell” executives on the tools and resources necessary to create powerful learning experiences. In this hands-on, interactive session, you will learn to outline a personalized game plan to get the resources for your specific learning organization model or tool.
Read MoreCreating a mobile app for training can be hard. Tracking user progress and completion in your mobile app? Harder. There is a lot to consider when looking to create and leverage mobile applications for training purposes, but the tools and techniques are available.
Read More1004 Innovative Solutions: Using Real-world Practice in Mobile Learning
Concurrent Session
As organizations realize the value of mobile learning, an increased number are jumping at the opportunity to offer their employees mobile training opportunities. Currently, many mobile learning applications focus on delivering content. However, the most effective learning comes from applying information, especially with peers. How can you create mobile learning opportunities for learners to practice new concepts and receive real-time feedback from peers?
Read MoreJLG, a leading manufacturer of lift equipment for various industries, needed a way for site supervisors to verify whether an operator had the proper certifications to operate any given piece of equipment, down to the specific model. The company struggled with providing immediate compliance instructions.
Read MoreThe quickening pace of change and increasing learner expectations demand learning approaches that can be produced quickly, at lower cost, and are easily accessible and readily available. Removing employees from the workflow for classroom sessions is not always feasible, nor does it provide the necessary just-in-time support. At the same time, the knowledge and information learners must have to support customers has expanded. Finally, the workforce is more distributed, more virtual.
Read MoreVideo is beginning to dominate the focus of learning and development. The technology and techniques for creating effective video content are now reaching most people responsible for using this medium to improve organizational performance. With a plethora of approaches around animation, motion, and streaming, where is one to begin?
Read More1008 Practical Strategies for Producing Animated Video on a Budget
Concurrent Session
10:00 AM Fri, June 10
Track: Development
Focus: Video
People want and need video in eLearning for its value in demonstrations, emotional impact, and ability to engage auditory and visual learners. But there are barriers to video production: casting actors, finding appropriate settings and locations, purchasing quality video equipment, and finding and training skilled personnel. Animated video is one path around these barriers.
Read MoreVideo is not a new medium, but not every instructional designer or developer intuitively knows how to create video or what makes it good. It’s important to understand the qualities that make for great videos. Organizations need data to drive decisions, and research is available to do just that.
Read MoreCreating interactions and animations in HTML5 is very complex. It requires an in-depth knowledge of JavaScript. There are other tools for creating HTML5 interactions that are fairly easy to use; however, you often lose the flexibility that you have when writing code.
Read MoreThere’s no question that video is trending upward and becoming more viable as a workplace learning and development (L&D) solution. Still, one significant barrier is focusing on the video itself—the videography and/or animation and editing that leads to the final product. Like all solutions from an L&D perspective, it still needs design. For video, that design document is a script, and it’s one of the most vital and most often ignored steps in the video production process. But how does someone with an L&D background learn to write better scripts?
Read More1012 Boost Individual and Group Performance Using Pervasive Digital Worlds
Concurrent Session
Performance is not just an end result but a continuous flow of interactions between the individual and the environment, leading to a defined goal. Organizations normally try to keep this process in line through periodic evaluations or other methods, but tracking performance at work on a continuous basis with a geographically dispersed workforce is a challenge. This can result in failed objectives or substandard outcomes.
Read MoreAll too often, embedded performance support (EPS) is seen as a technology or a software application to purchase. While both may come into play, EPS is a discipline that drives new skills in L&D as well as new methods and, potentially, new technology. History shows that being ready to pursue adoption of EPS is not the same as being in a state of readiness to sustain the adoption.
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