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Tracy Parish
Education Technology Specialist
Parish Creative Solutions
Tracy Parish is an accomplished instructional designer, eLearning
developer, and consultant based in the Greater Toronto area. With a
unique blend of skills in computer programming, adult education, and
eLearning design/development, she has built a successful career in
instructional design. With over 18 years of experience in instructional
design, development, LMS implementation and administration, Tracy is a
respected figure in her field. She is a speaker, active Articulate
Community Hero, co-host of the Toronto Storyline User Group and
webcast Nerdy Shop Talk, the marketing director for the Canadian
eLearning Conference, and moderator of the monthly Twitter event
808 | Exploring WordPress as a Tool for Delivering Blended Learning
MB01 | Daily Docent Kickoff
MB15 | Daily Docent Kickoff
MB29 | Daily Docent Kickoff