LRV104 Integration: Pulling Yourself Together
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, October 25
Expo Hall: Learning Revolution Stage
Do you need to corral your learning ecosystem? Does it provide the data needed to drive timely decision making? Learning ecosystems are growing beyond the learning management system with content management systems, user experience systems, content aggregation, and data warehouses, but making sense of the data they produce can be expensive and time consuming.
In this session, you will learn how to leverage the xAPI and learning record store to consolidate data to drive timely decisions and solve business problems.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to bring disparate learning technologies together for reporting
- That xAPI is not just for content
- How to create an analytics system without the analytics price tag
- How to put effective decision-making tools in the hands of managers
Intermediate and advanced developers, project managers, managers, directors, and senior leaders.
Technology discussed in this session:
Talent management systems, learning management systems, learning record stores, xAPI.

Mark Prasatik
Vice President of User Experience Services
Mark Prastik is the vice president of user experience services at Bluewater Learning. Mark assists clients in aligning learning user experience and reporting/analytics to business strategy because he feels that user learning experience and reporting/analytics are the most predictive factors in the adoption of talent and learning systems and solving business problems. Mark has more than 25 years’ experience in employee training in the areas of oil and gas, aviation, retail, financial services, life sciences, and technology. Mark is certified in instructional design, human performance improvement, and project management and is a past president of ATD Houston.