GS01 KEYNOTE: Sci-Fi Meets Reality: The Future, Today
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM Wednesday, October 25
Grand Ballroom
Technology is increasingly intersecting with our everyday lives in weird and wonderful ways. We don’t often think about this intersection—and yet emerging technology will be used to design the future of humanity, affecting almost every aspect of life, including how we learn. In this mind-bending session, Amy Webb will offer a provocative series of snapshots from the near and further future. How will we communicate? Where will we live? Will sophisticated algorithms and artificially intelligent systems replace the relationships we have with other humans? What will our technology do for us? To us? How will it affect the ways we learn? The possibilities are exciting, inspiring, and a little scary.
Amy Webb
Futurist and Author, The Signals Are Talking
Amy Webb is one of America’s leading futurists and an award-winning author. She is the founder of the Future Today Institute and publisher of the annual FTI Trend Report. Ms. Webb is a graduate of Columbia University, completed a Visiting Nieman Fellowship at Harvard, and teaches courses on futurism at the NYU Stern School of Business and at Columbia. She is a frequent contributor or guest on CNN, Marketplace, PBS NewsHour, Fox, and a number of NPR programs. Ms. Webb has spoken to numerous audiences all around the world, from the Milken Institute Global Conference to Fidelity Investments, the Aspen Institute, IBM, Microsoft, and SXSW. Her TED talk about the future of data and algorithms has been viewed five million times and translated into 32 languages, and is part of Delta Air Lines’ in-flight entertainment.