MXC203 Helping Managers Lead Through Change
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM Thursday, November 17
Expo Hall—Management Exchange Stage
Company changes are hard for most employees, and they can be especially hard for managers caught in the awkward position of having to communicate and enact changes they didn’t initiate. Yet the success of company change is critically tied to managers’ ability to lead their teams through it. Learn about the common challenges facing both managers and the HR and L&D leaders who support them, as well as solutions and lessons learned from people who’ve been there before. You’ll leave with practical ideas to help equip managers to survive, thrive, and lead effectively in tumultuous times. Audience participation is encouraged!
Marca Clark
Director, Learning and Org Development
Marca Clark, the director of learning and organizational development at Glassdoor, has more than 10 years’ experience in organizational development, talent management, and learning and development. Prior to joining Glassdoor, Marca was with Advent Software and Starbucks Coffee. At Glassdoor, she focuses on the individual and organizational capabilities that enable the company to reach its goals, believing that the secret to growth and scale lies in helping people realize their full potential. She holds a master’s degree in organization development from the University of San Francisco.
Heather Sweeney-Engel
Client Success Partner
Heather Sweeney-Engel is a client success partner at Jhana. Previously, Heather spent five years at CEB helping Fortune 500 executives and their teams make better business decisions. During her time there, she worked in account management, partnering with IT leaders, and then became a frontline manager herself. Her time as a manager piqued Heather’s interest and passion in manager development and success, and she was subsequently drawn to Jhana. Heather earned her BA in communication and art history at the University of California–Santa Barbara.