412 This Time It’s Personal: Retaining Human Connection in a Digital Age
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, October 1
Instructional Design
We use eLearning and other technology platforms because they are cost effective, easily accessible, provide a consistent learner experience, and increase our geographical reach. Unfortunately, it is quite easy to lose the human connection that is so critical to the engagement of employees and learners.
In this case study session, you will learn about the design and development of leadership and professional development programs at the Spectrum Health University and get several tips and tricks to keep your content personable. You'll also discover how the organization stays “high touch” with participants through its roles, social collaborative platform, and learning experiences—a collection of instructor-led classes, eLearning modules, and online discussions. You will leave this session with insight into how to engage employees through a personal approach and take back some practical measures that can easily be incorporated in your organization.
In this session, you will learn:
- How dedicating a role focused on relationships can impact participant engagement
- How to leverage available technologies to help you be more personable
- Why you should establish a brand for your department
- The importance of utilizing your own people (employees) as faculty and/or facilitators
Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, and
discussed in this session:
Social collaborative platform (Jive), eLearning development tools
(Adobe Creative Suite, Lectora, Articulate Storyline), iPads, GPS units, cameras.

Tim VanderLaan
Spectrum Health
Tim VanderLaan, a manager of the Spectrum Health University, has a passion for developing leaders and making processes more efficient, programs more engaging, and participants more connected. Over the past eight years he has developed structured leadership programs, administered learning management systems, created eLearning, deployed social collaborative platforms, and helped launch a corporate university.

Laura Sayers
Learning Advisor
Spectrum Health
Laura Sayers is a learning advisor for the Spectrum Health University. She has spent the majority of her career in the healthcare industry. In her current role, Laura works closely with high-performing individual contributors and leaders across Spectrum Health, and is highly involved in leadership development and program management.