114 Designing for Performance: Nine Critical Elements
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, September 30
Instructional Design
In early 2014 Jane Bozarth’s husband was diagnosed with a large tumor perched atop his brain stem like a golf ball on a tee. The story of his surgery and recovery became the most popular piece she’s ever published, “Performance Matters,” which appeared in The eLearning Guild’s Learning Solutions Magazine. Join Jane and Jeannette Campos as they explore the story, its associated observations, and issues learned throughout that are relevant to L&D.
In this session you will learn from practical examples the importance of human-centered design and systems design, how to address performance at the moments of learning need, and the important ties between learning, practice, and performance. The best L&D practitioners recognize that the performer is an actor in a system and the future L&D practitioner must design beyond the past limitations of the standalone course.
In this session, you will learn:
- The significance of human-centered design for both learning and performance
- How thoughtful intentional design considers the interaction of all elements in a systems (putting the S back in ISD)
- To consider the moment of learning need(s) when designing for learning and extended performance support
- Why designing beyond a discrete learning event will be a critical skill for L&D practitioners
Designers, developers, and managers.
discussed in this session:

Jane Bozarth
Director of Research
The Learning Guild
Jane Bozarth, the director of research for the Learning Guild, is a veteran classroom trainer who transitioned to eLearning in the late 1990s and has never looked back. In her previous job as leader of the State of North Carolina's award-winning eLearning program, Jane specialized in finding low-cost ways of providing online training solutions. She is the author of several books, including eLearning Solutions on a Shoestring, Social Media for Trainers, and Show Your Work: The Payoffs and How-To's of Working Out Loud. Jane holds a doctorate in training and development and was awarded the Guild Master Award in 2013 for her accomplishments and contributions to the eLearning community.

Jeannette Campos
Adjunct Faculty
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Jeannette Campos, adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has provided consultative services in the design, development, and delivery of creative learning solutions to clients in the government, nonprofit, academic, and commercial markets. She holds a master of arts degree in instructional systems designs from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She has also served as adjunct faculty at the National Labor College and the Community College System of New Hampshire.