213 MOOCs: Will This Be Where Higher Ed and Corporate Training Meet Next?
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, September 30
While universities continue to explore the new possibilities of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in establishing global brand, learning research, and innovation, corporate training has begun a deeper look into using MOOCs for their own purposes. How would a landscape of higher ed–produced MOOCs being used by corporate training benefit both types of organizations?
In this session, you will learn the emerging trends in which global corporations are seeking to partner with MOOC providers for various types of offerings. You will learn how universities are using MOOCs as spaces to experiment with and research innovative online teaching practices and how these discoveries may lead to new opportunities for application in corporate training. By seeing how universities are approaching MOOCs, you will learn about an emerging framework for extending partnerships with higher ed for more cost-effective access to the subject matter expertise and learning practices that universities provide.
In this session, you will learn:
- What MOOCs are and their current status in the higher ed market
- Why universities decide to develop and deliver MOOCs
- How using courses from MOOC providers may benefit corporate training functions
- What emerging trends in MOOCs are pulling corporate interests and higher ed closer together
Novice and intermediate designers, developers, project managers, and managers with a working knowledge of how to design, deliver, or manage training or educational offerings, including online, blended, or classroom.
Technology discussed in this session:
Matt Meyer
Manager, Instructional Design & Development Group
Penn State University
Matt Meyer is the manager of the instructional design and development group within the Teaching and Learning with Technology (TLT) organization at Penn State University. Matt has over 20 years of experience in online and technology-based education, including design, development, management, and assorted leadership roles. Seeking to combine his experience in the private sector with the rapidly emerging digital learning solutions that Penn State continues to cultivate, Matt left corporate training to join the college in 2009. His team focuses on working with faculty on the redesign of strategically selected large-enrollment courses throughout the entire school. His focus is on faculty engagements related to improving teaching and learning practices via educational technology.