104 Learning with Friends: Best Practices in Adopting Social Learning
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, September 30
Social learning allows organizations to realize the benefits that eLearning promised 20 years ago. Social is flexible, cost efficient, and allows experts in an organization to directly connect with learners. Employees are already using social tools already with zero training required. How can training professionals leverage tools their employees already know how to use?
In this session, you will learn how social learning is bridging formal and informal learning and how training professionals can capitalize on the existing knowledge of their employees. You will explore how firms can use video in collaborative ways to diagnose and improve performance by combining behavioral metrics with productivity metrics to provide business leads and training managers with powerful insights. You will learn about the six drivers of change that have disrupted learning: technology advancements, access to free learning assets like massive open online courses (MOOCs), need for innovation, shift to a focus in skill development over knowledge distribution, changing workforce demographics, and the increased ability to measure productivity.
In this session, you will learn:
- Why social learning is key to inspiring collaboration and sourcing innovation
- How to use social learning for distance coaching and peer learning
- How to measure social learning by blending behavior, data, and performance analytics
- How to use social learning in formal and informal learning applications
Novice to advanced designers, developers, and managers.
discussed in this session:
Bloomfire, Coach’s Eye, Salesforce Chatter.

Christopher Nekvinda
Director of Global Learning Operations
Cannon Financial Institute
Christopher Nekvinda leads the global learning initiatives for Cannon Financial Institute. He has worked on sales, coaching, leadership, and compliance programs distributed throughout the UK, Dubai, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. As a social learning and performance support evangelist, Christopher thrives on organizational change management, coaching, and performance-centered design projects that can be delivered through an informal approach using social learning tools.