P02 eLearning 101: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday, September 28
Does reading an article about eLearning result in more questions than answers? Many people are assigned the task of developing eLearning without having the background on what eLearning really is. They encounter acronyms such as SCORM, LMS, or LCMS, and have no concept of what they mean. It can be challenging to understand eLearning information without a baseline of knowledge.
In this workshop you will create the foundation upon which you can build a successful career in eLearning development. You will explore the advantages and disadvantages of eLearning. You will learn about the different types of eLearning, including self-paced, webinars, MOOCs, and more. You will explore the various technologies used to create and run eLearning including authoring tools, LMSs, and social media. You will examine the overall eLearning design and development process (analysis, storyboarding, media, testing, etc.) and how you will need to manage eLearning projects. At the end of this workshop you will have a strong foundation upon which to get more out of the conference, and more out of your career as an eLearning professional.
In this session, you will learn:
- The basic terminology used in the eLearning industry
- The major types of eLearning
- The primary types of technology used in eLearning
- The primary steps in developing or managing eLearning projects
designers, developers, project managers, and managers.
Technology discussed in this session:
will view a variety of technologies ranging from authoring tools to webinar
platforms to online project-management tools to Microsoft Word storyboards.
Participant technology requirements:
A computer
with MS Word is recommended, but not required.
Diane Elkins
E-Learning Uncovered
Diane Elkins is owner of Artisan E-Learning, a custom eLearning development company, and E-Learning Uncovered, where she helps people build courses they're proud of. She has built a reputation as a national eLearning expert by being a frequent speaker at major industry events for ATD, The Learning Guild, and Training Magazine. Her favorite topics include accessibility, instructional design, and Articulate Storyline. She is co-author of the popular E-Learning Uncovered book series, as well as E-Learning Fundamentals: A Practical Guide, from ATD Press. She is a past board member of the Northeast Florida and Metro DC chapters of ATD.
Tim Slade
The eLearning Designer's Academy
Tim Slade is a speaker, author, award-winning freelance eLearning designer, and creator of The eLearning Designer's Academy. Having spent the last decade working to help others elevate their eLearning and visual communications content, Tim has been recognized and awarded within the eLearning industry multiple times for his creative and innovative design aesthetics. Tim is also a regular speaker at international eLearning conferences, a recognized Articulate Super Hero, and author of "The eLearning Designer's Handbook."