618 Up and Running with Badges
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Thursday, October 1
Emerging Tech
Have you decided to implement a badge program at your organization but are unsure what to do next? Perhaps you are wondering: How do I create the badges? How do I award them? How are the badges displayed? What kind of communications do I send out to those who are awarded badges? How can I promote badges beyond my department? How do I help participants understand the value of badges? Find out how a badge expert used badges to gamify an award-winning developmental math massive open online course at Cuyahoga Community College, and developed a successful badge system for professional development workshops at Kent State University.
In this session you will learn about creating a badge program, issuing badges, as well as answers to common questions and solutions to common obstacles. You will leave with takeaway templates that can be used to implement a badge program within your organization quickly and easily.
In this session, you will learn:
- The overall concepts behind digital badges and how they work
- How to develop a badge communication plan and materials for badge recipients
- How to identify different systems for badge display
Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, project managers,
managers, and directors.
MaryAnne Nestor
Instructional Designer
Kent State University
MaryAnne Nestor is an instructional designer in the Office of Continuing and Distance Education at Kent State University. She is a badge evangelist and assists organizations with incorporating badges by teaching the basics of digital badges and providing hands-on assistance with tools to make their badge program a success. One of the tools she uses to promote badges at Kent State was featured last June by EDUCAUSE.