517 Where Digital Badges Work Better
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, October 1
Emerging Tech
An intensive two-year study of 29 projects that were awarded funds to build digital badge systems in the 2012 Badges for Lifelong Learning competition revealed surprising results.
In this session you will get a deeper dive into the specific principles and practices learned for employing digital badges to recognize, assess, motivate, and study learning. You will learn how the most obvious principles for adding value to digital badges—associating them with formal credit and gaining external endorsement—turned out to be the most difficult to implement. You will learn how the most successful badges contained unique claims and evidence about learning, the impact of social and less informal learning, and the importance of “layering” into existing instructional content and web technology. You will explore value with connections to competency-based learning, stackable credentials, ePortfolios, and credit for prior learning.
In this session, you will learn:
- The contexts and practices in which open digital badges can be used most successfully to support learning
- To use the web-enabled resources from the Design Principles Documentation Project
- To use the web-enabled resources from the Open Badges in Higher Education project, including open case libraries and extended case studies to inform their own badge development efforts
Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, project managers,
managers, and directors.
discussed in this session:
Daniel T. Hickey
Professor and Coordinator, Learning Sciences Program
Indiana University
Daniel T. Hickey is a professor and coordinator of the Learning Sciences Program at Indiana University. Daniel studies new participatory approaches to learning, instruction, and assessment, mostly in the context of online learning and cutting-edge technology. He works toward access, openness, and equity, while still attending to prevailing concerns over accountability and scalability. His research has been funded by MacArthur, the National Science Foundation, Google, the Department of Energy, and Indiana University. Daniel leads the Open Badges in Higher Education project for MacArthur, co-leads an effort to develop quality standards for stackable digital credentials at the American Council on Education for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and co-leads the Microcredentials Constituent Group at EDUCAUSE.