309 Style Guides: The Unsung Hero of eLearning Development
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Wednesday, September 30
Most eLearning projects get off the ground with great intentions. Somewhere along the development path deadlines may be missed, SME demands increase, and the resulting project gets rushed and lacks consistent design. Having a style guide to refer to not only aids in the development cycle, but also assists in ensuring nothing is forgotten or missed. While documenting all of details of a project may seem tedious and nonsensical, having the ability to revisit a project months later and know everything is documented is priceless.
In this session you will explore style guides from recording global assets and their usage, naming conventions, and asset management, to RGB colors used in the user interface. You will see use cases and processes, along with a quick-start style guide job aid and templates to put to use right away.
In this session, you will learn:
- Tips and techniques for style guide preparation
- Naming conventions and asset management practices
- The various categories in setting up an eLearning style guide
- The differences between isolated, global, navigation, and other assets to record
Novice designers, developers, project managers, and managers.

Kevin Thorn
Director of Development
Artisan E-Learning
Kevin Thorn holds an EdD in instructional design and technologies and is an award-winning eLearning designer and developer. He is the director of development for Artisan E-Learning, and principal owner of NuggetHead Studioz, LLC., a boutique studio specializing in consulting and developing custom learning experiences. Kevin combines his skills in technology, instructional design, eLearning development, illustration, graphic design, animation, video, and educational comics to develop innovative learning solutions. He is a well- known industry speaker and trainer in visual communication, eLearning development, and design workflows and is a certified facilitator in LEGO® Serious Play® methodologies. ?