109 It’s Time to Do Learning Like Grown-ups: Content Systems
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, September 30
Emerging Tech
If you visit a Fortune 500 website today, what you see is not created by handcrafting a webpage. Amazon and Netflix recommendations, too, are not completed by someone watching your particular behavior and cobbling together those for you; instead, it’s a set of rules and tagged content. It’s quite likely that when you visit a site, it may be different than when others visit the same site. This isn’t magic, but it’s also not just your everyday content creation process—it’s a content strategy fueled by content systems. And these changes in traditional marketing have big implications for eLearning.
The future is within reach: personalized, even adaptive, learning; the costs are nontrivial, too. In this session, you’ll learn what’s happening and what it takes to be effective in areas such as content engineering, content management, content models, and content systems. We’ll review the elements, evaluate the tradeoffs, and identify the steps along the way so you can start putting together your content strategy for organizational eLearning.
In this session, you will learn:
- How a content “system” differs from content creation
- The elements of content engineering, management, and models
- How content strategy and systems will affect eLearning design and delivery
- The opportunity and financial costs associated with applying a content strategy
Managers and executives interested in the future
of content and learning.
discussed in this session:

Clark Quinn
Chief Learning Strategist
Upside Learning
Clark Quinn, PhD is the executive director of Quinnovation, co-director of the Learning Development Accelerator, and chief learning strategist for Upside Learning. With more than four decades of experience at the cutting edge of learning, Dr. Quinn is an internationally known speaker, consultant, and author of seven books. He combines a deep knowledge of cognitive science and broad experience with technology into strategic design solutions that achieve innovative yet practical outcomes for corporations, higher-education, not-for-profit, and government organizations.