516 BYOL: Getting Started with Augmented Reality
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Thursday, November 17
Emerging Tech
Using technology to help make learning “stick” is something L&D is always pursuing. Augmented reality (AR) is one of the newer entries into this category, in large part because of how well it can support learning in the moment. However, AR can often seem overwhelming, time-consuming, and difficult to use in everyday learning development, and these assumptions could cause you to overlook the potential this technology holds for your audience.
This session will challenge the idea that AR is too complicated to use for L&D and explore just how easy it actually is to get started creating training with AR. You’ll explore tools that you can use to create an AR project; features of AR that you can consider using; and how to plan, build, and share your project with the community. You’ll then have the opportunity to create original AR content in this session using free development tools.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to create an AR project using Aurasma Studio
- Which interactions are available for you to use within AR
- What features to consider when planning your AR project
- How to use multimedia assets to enhance your AR project
Novice designers and developers.
discussed in this session:
Aurasma Studio (cloud-based), Aurasma app (for iOS and Android), and
Google Drive.
Technology required:
A laptop with Internet connection and a mobile
device with a camera for viewing.

Destery Hildenbrand
XR Solution Architect
Destery Hildenbrand is an XR solution architect with Intellezy. Destery has over 17 years of experience in training and development and seven years focusing on immersive technologies. Destery has spent time in corporate environments and higher education. Destery's primary focus is helping organizations plan, design, and develop engaging learning experiences through Immersive technology.

Mark Banit
Senior Manager, Design
Royal Bank of Canada
Mark Banit is a senior manager of design at the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC). With a background in multimedia design, Mark has been creating engaging digital learning experiences for over 15 years. Prior to moving into corporate learning and development, he spent 10 years working in the higher education sector creating interactive online learning, providing consulting, and training other developers. At RBC, Mark manages the design and development of effective learning strategies and solutions deployed throughout the organization.