Compliance Training Summit Program

Take a two-day journey covering eight sessions in the Compliance Training Summit that will explore how compliance is changing and how you can adapt to establish a safe and effective workplace.

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DAY 1: November 14

?Ger Driesen

101: Cracking the Compliance Training Code

Ger Driesen, aNewSpring

8:15 AM – 9:30 AM PT

Compliance training can be a paradox. Nobody wants to complete it, and many don't want to create it, yet it can be critical to business success. In this session, we'll peel back the layers of compliance training to learn what most needs attention, and which technologies can best help create the most effective approaches to achieve compliance empowerment. Learn more.

?Rashelle Tanner

201: Innovations in Compliance and Ethics Training at Microsoft

Rashelle Tanner, Microsoft

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

Shifting from rules-based to values-based compliance programs can increase engagement and retention for critical organizational issues. In this session, you'll learn how Microsoft uses a series of suspenseful mini-episodes showing relatable characters maneuvering through ethical issues and how this storytelling approach has shown greater effectiveness in compliant actions. Learn more.

Lloyd Dean

301: Using VR for Safety Education

Lloyd Dean, EDF Energy

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

In this case study session, you'll learn how the EDF Energy L&D team successfully implemented a virtual reality learning solution to prevent safety mishaps. You'll learn about the process and get tips on how to gain business buy-in. See how to set your team up for success and learn how ROI can be used as a risk mitigation method. Learn more.

Will Thalheimer

401: Getting Valid Data on Your Compliance Training

Will Thalheimer, Work-Learning Research

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT

Effective measurement of learning programs has never been easy, but for compliance efforts, the challenge is even greater—as are the risks. In this session, you'll gain insight into key measurement goals for compliance training. You'll also learn about the learning-transfer evaluation model and how to use it, as well as better ways to gain learner feedback. Learn more.

DAY 2: November 15

Hassan Mahmud

501: Pfizer’s Journey from Prescriptive to Learner-Led Training

Hassan Mahmud, Pfizer

8:30 AM – 9:30 AM PT

In this session, you'll learn how Pfizer is transforming training by moving from traditionally prescriptive models to more flexible learner-led training. See how they meet the mandate of a frequent, highly structured array of product, skills, and compliance training with a true blended strategy combining classroom, online learning, and the omnipresent mobile handsets and tablets providing just-in-time access. Learn more.

Deborah Thomas

601: Compliance Training Is a Serious Game Opportunity

Deborah Thomas, Silly Monkey

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PT

Serious games offer a compelling solution to the problem of disengagement and motivation for compliance training. In this session, you'll explore the possibilities of serious games and how game mechanics such as risks, rewards, and challenges can increase attention and retention of critical content. Learn more.

Vincent Han

701: Compliance via Conversation

Vincent Han, Mobile Coach

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM PT

Chatbots are advancing from simply retrieving lunch locations to surfacing and distributing critical information in the workflow, and they present a unique solution to compliance needs. In this session, you will learn how chatbots can be leveraged to meet workers where they are, in a method the engages compliance needs more naturally. Learn more.


801: Compliance Training Panel Discussion

Ger Driesen, Vignettes Learning
Will Thalheimer, Work-Learning Research
Carla Torgerson, Bull City Learning

Moderator: Mark Britz, The eLearning Guild

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM PT

In this closing session of the Compliance Training Summit, moderator Mark Britz will be joined by three experts who will address approaches, technologies, and other considerations for effective compliance training. The floor will also be open to attendees, allowing you to share your own experiences and ask questions of the panel. Learn more.

Purchase the Plus Package Package and attend this Summit for free; plus, get access to other benefits for the next 12 months! Learn more about Guild content packages.

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