L&D teams often face unique challenges when training and supporting learners with diverse needs. Audiences that call for more specialized trainings are sales and partners. There are different techniques, best practices, and technological solutions that you can use to support this important group of learners and to help drive overall organizational success.

Organizations looking to fine-tune their sales and partner training with modern strategies can look to these recommendations and insights, which include:

  • What makes sales and partner trainings different from traditional trainings
  • The role of the learning management system in sales and partner training
  • Sales personnel user database integration
  • Best-practiced tips for L&D professionals delivering these trainings
  • How to get the most out of sales integration tools

This paper, Sales and Partner Training Solutions for Modern Organizations, by Susan Jacobs with Diane Elkins, Jason Siesko, and Chad Udell, will examine each of these topics in greater detail.

All Contributors

Diane Elkins

Owner/Founder, E-Learning Uncovered

Susan Jacobs

Publications Manager, The Learning Guild

Chad Udell

Chief Strategy Officer, Float and SparkLearn