502 Teaching Game Engines in VR: Lessons Learned

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Thursday, July 27


Virtual reality platforms for learning are being popularized across all industries, from healthcare to automotive. But learning how to create VR content in VR remains an under-explored area.

In this session, you will explore a VR learning framework that was conceived to teach the Unity game engine in VR. You will see various demos from an upcoming product, the VR Entertainment Badge. The session will cover evaluation approaches used to determine the effectiveness of a VR framework, as well as a closer look at the differences and advantages of teaching VR in VR.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to evaluate a VR learning framework
  • What constitutes a VR learning product
  • What it means to teach VR in VR
  • A better understanding of opportunities in the VR learning and educational space

Novice to advanced managers and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Virtual reality; room-scale VR (HTC Vive).

Diana Ford

Global Research Lead


Diana Ford is a global research lead at Unity. She is creating a course on game engines in VR. Previously, Diana founded the games program in computer science at the University of California–Los Angeles, and successfully created and ran eight gaming courses on topics including AR, VR, AI, and virtual economies.

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