GS501 Focus on Video: From Aspect Ratio to Zoom-In

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, November 21

From optimizing aspect ratios and incorporating dynamic b-roll footage to mastering captions and developing comprehensive shot lists, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the building blocks of captivating video. Packed with ready-to-use templates, guides, and resources, this session equips you with the knowledge and tools to elevate your learners' experience through the power of video.

Don't miss this opportunity to level up your video skills and unlock new possibilities for your L&D projects. Join us as we explore the world of video, from the technical details to the creative possibilities that will transform your learning content.


Matthew Pierce

Learning & Video Ambassador


Matthew Pierce, learning & video ambassador from TechSmith, has created videos for learning and marketing for over a decade. He is the lead behind TechSmith Academy, a free platform teaching video and image creation for business, which has been used by tens of thousands of users. He is host of The Visual Lounge Podcast from TechSmith, which streams live on Youtube and LinkedIn weekly. Matthew is a regular speaker at multiple learning and development-focused conferences and is a regular contributor to various training publications.

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