501 How to Apply Research-based Microlearning in Your Organization
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Thursday, June 13
In this session, you will:
Grasp the principles of cognitive load theory and its application in microlearning design for corporate environments.
Implement retrieval practice and spacing strategies to promote long-term retention and transfer of learning.
Apply evidence-based techniques to develop engaging and efficient microlearning experiences tailored to the needs of corporate environments.

Kate Udalova
Kate Udalova is a visionary leader at the forefront of corporate microlearning. As the founder and Chief Product Officer of 7taps Microlearning, Kate drives innovation with a science-based platform validated by numerous independent research studies. With over a decade of experience in the L&D landscape, Kate is a thought leader dedicated to driving impactful change. As the creator of MicrolearningCONF, she offers a space for organizations to discuss their successes and microlearning best practices.
Nidhi Sachdeva
Nidhi Sachdeva is an evidence-informed learning designer, post-secondary educator, researcher, and educational technology specialist. She is interested in designing and integrating evidence-informed instructional practices using various educational technology tools, including GenAI. Recently, she has been researching this through microlearning and cognitive science. Nidhi is the co-author of a newsletter called The Science of Learning, which aims to reduce gaps between educational research and instructional practice. She is also chairing the upcoming ResearchEd Toronto conference, ' Discovering the Science of Learning.' With almost 20 years of experience developing and facilitating learning content for both face-to-face and online courses within formal higher education, Nidhi is extremely passionate about integrating the Science of Learning into her pedagogical practice. She is currently teaching in the Teacher Education program at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE).