301 Tips and Tricks to Make your Visual Design Elements Sparkle

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wednesday, December 7

Do we really want to make the elements of our visual design sparkle? Probably not, but there are lots of ways to ensure your design has impact. When the visual design of your project is properly executed, the information you are trying to convey is more easily understood and remembered. Utilizing design principles when placing and spacing illustrations, typography, and images, as well as when choosing colors and fonts, are all key in ensuring your project is user-friendly, visually appealing, and delivers impactful training.

Join Tracy Parish as she shares some key visual design principles to apply to any project. In this session, you will take away typography tips for choosing, matching, and using fonts. You will learn about applying color theory to create visually pleasant color schemes. This session will give you more than just skills—you will build a list of places to seek out and find visual design inspiration!

Tracy Parish

Education Technology Specialist

Parish Creative Solutions

Tracy Parish is an accomplished instructional designer, eLearning developer, and consultant based in the Greater Toronto area. With a unique blend of skills in computer programming, adult education, and eLearning design/development, she has built a successful career in instructional design. With over 18 years of experience in instructional design, development, LMS implementation and administration, Tracy is a respected figure in her field. She is a speaker, active Articulate Community Hero, co-host of the Toronto Storyline User Group and webcast Nerdy Shop Talk, the marketing director for the Canadian eLearning Conference, and moderator of the monthly Twitter event #lrnchat.

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