401 The Blended Learning Trifecta: Leveraging eLearning Data and Webinar to Drive Results

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Wednesday, June 8

When we teach in person, we develop relationships with our learners and we tailor our content and approach accordingly. But typically a personalized and tailored approach is not what comes to mind with the term “blended learning.” Too often, blended learning turns out to be a reduced classroom experience with digital add-ons. In contrast, quality blended learning leverages the logistic conveniences and technical capabilities of learning technology to save time and money while enhancing our ability to personalize and tailor professional learning.

In this session we will explore a successful blended learning case study that utilizes an interactive online component, a webinar component, and a synchronous/on-site component to reduce instruction time while increasing both effectiveness and learner engagement.

You will learn:

  • The value of learner activity data drawn from interactive eLearning
  • The utility of a short webinar series prior to on-site work
  • The enhanced instructional experience that results from quality blended learning
  • Elements of this strategy that you can implement immediately

Wendy M. Morgan

Senior Implementation Specialist

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

As a senior implementation strategist at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute whose role is focused on instructional design, Wendy shapes the direction and design of community-focused professional development and technical assistance. She has introduced innovative blended learning strategies that include customized learning experience designs and data visualizations to support tailored coaching support. She led efforts to establish an organization-wide xAPI/LRS-based learning ecosystem to collect the data necessary for the implementation of those strategies.

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