Learning and development teams create products, so it's essential to have standardized quality guidelines that designers and developers can follow. There should be guidelines for producing error-free experiences, including standards for functionality, user experience, visual design, and overall consistency. While your team may have informal quality assurance and control processes, any cracks can put the team's credibility and products at risk.

This session first provides an overview of quality control and assurance principles and how learning teams can use them to create a quality-focused process. Next, we'll discuss building, reinforcing, and supporting quality control and assurance processes for your learning team. Finally, we'll discuss the recommended quality control strategies for instructional designers and developers who create eLearning modules.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of designing and implementing a quality assurance process
  • Strategies for prioritizing quality assurance throughout the design and development process
  • Best practices for building a quality assurance process for your team
  • Recommended methods for quality testing your team's eLearning products

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