To hire a vendor to assist with an eLearning project, your organization may require you to issue an RFP (request for proposals) and obtain multiple quotes. For the vendor to accurately price and schedule your project, and to ensure that you receive apples-to-apples quotes, you need to issue an RFP that provides clear and complete project information. This requires an understanding of project pricing methodologies vendors use. Once you have accurate quotes, then you can use a criteria-based method to decide which vendor is best for the project.

In this session, we’ll look at strategies for writing an RFP that help vendors provide proposals with the information you need for your organization. We’ll review sample RFPs that will generate apples-to-apples quotes, as well as those that won't. Finally, you'll receive an eLearning RFP template, learn guidelines for using it, and discuss useful, decision-making criteria and methodologies.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn eLearning RFP strategies
  • Review best-of-kind RFP samples
  • Explore a solid template for capturing just what your organization needs

