Augmented reality (AR) is reshaping entertainment, interactive experiences, and edutainment applications. These are groundbreaking times, and it's clear that L&D is eager to explore AR. Before jumping in, however, it's important to get a better understanding not just of the basics of the technology, but also what sorts of previously impossible performance support opportunities may be unlocked. In this session you'll learn about marker-based vs. markerless AR, advanced computer vision, and also see how machine learning and AI can be integrated into AR to create more robust tools for your workforce. Move past the prototype to production by using these tips, tools, and techniques.

In this session you will learn:

  • About lesser-known AR topics, such as marker-based vs. markerless AR
  • Understand how AR can be strengthened by including computer vision and machine learning techniques
  • Visualize how these more advanced techniques could be used in your workplace to create production-ready AR for your workforce.

