You have fantastic skills creating eLearning courses that win the respect and enthusiasm of your current learners—but your department is still aching for cash, or your freelance business still goes through disquieting lulls. How do you use what you already know and create to open up new revenue channels and widen the audience for your courses? How do you decide what will sell and what won’t, and how do you properly design, price, and market your courses to maximize sales?

Participants in this session will delve into the world of eCommerce—now friendlier than ever for those who love to teach. An expert whose job is selling and helping others sell eLearning courses online will use data and case studies from over 6,000 courses and 17 years’ worth of sales to help you explore how to turn your eLearning know-how and courses into cash.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to assess the market for your eLearning courses
  • How to turn needs assessment data into customer-facing selling points
  • How to identify the best places to sell your courses
  • Key strategies for reaching your prospective audience
  • How to determine the optimal pricing for your courses
  • How to transform blissfully massive levels of learner feedback into better courses and escalating sales

Novice to intermediate designers, developers, project managers, directors, and CLOs who are interested in selling their eLearning courses to a larger audience. Experience creating eLearning courses is recommended, but not required.

