Guiding learners to appropriate resources can be challenging when you are trying to meet the needs of an audience with varying interests and skill levels. To solve this challenge, the University of Minnesota created learning maps, a visual way to organize content and present it to a learner in the context of a workflow or business process.

Participants in this case-study session will hear about the problem, learn the process used to develop the solution, see demonstrations of the learning maps, discuss how the University of Minnesota is using the learning maps, and hear their plans for further innovation and improvements.

In this session, you will learn:

  • What a learning map is
  • The methodology used to develop learning maps
  • The technology used to create the maps
  • Three live examples of the learning maps in action

This session will be of interest to people who are working with multiple learner audiences, as well as people who have a large number of resources to present to their audiences.

