1010 Shattering Preconceived Notions: cMOOCs Can Be Effective!
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Thursday, March 29
Salon 15
MOOCs, cMOOCs, SPOCs... To the L&D community, these are incredible tools to have in the toolbox, but there are challenges. Clients usually don’t understand what they really are or the partnerships required to create them. The approach and process is quite different from what is required for most other learning solutions, and as a result, most mainstream L&D practitioners lack the skills needed to create an effective cMOOC experience.
The ideal cMOOC program includes curated, spaced, and guided materials surrounded by heavy context, and includes activities that inspire collaboration and insight. The experience respects the modern learner. As a result, participants stay engaged and programs meet business objectives. This session will explore the shifts that instructional designers need to make in order to design an effective MOOC experience. These shifts will enable learning professionals to guide clients through the change management process to see learning as an experience while designing and developing programs in an agile way.
In this session, you will learn:
- How to set client expectations for developing a cMOOC experience that modern learners will love
- How to create a targeted information architecture for a successful cMOOC that increases adoption and reduces dropout rates
- How to plan persistent and spaced interactions to increase learner traction and engagement
- About the skills that are essential for cMOOC moderators
Intermediate to advanced designers, developers, managers, and directors interested in instructional design, information architecture, agile development, or user experience design.
Technology discussed in this session:
Intrepid’s platform.

Bethany Vogel
Instructional Designer
GP Strategies
Bethany Vogel is an instructional designer with GP Strategies, where she engineers high-value, online learning experiences. She is a thought leader inside and outside the company, employing learner empathy and neuroscience to fuel insights and designs. Bethany guides businesses like Cigna, the Biosecurity Research Institute, and Titleist through collaborative and agile development processes to create learning programs with bottom-line business impacts. Her programs often include elements of spaced, micro, and social learning.

Cara Halter
Instructional Designer
GP Strategies
Cara Halter is an instructional designer at GP Strategies with nearly 20 years of experience creating innovative learning solutions as a design and development leader, business analyst, and project manager. She has split her professional experience between an internal L&D team at a financial services company and with top learning consulting companies (most recently GP Strategies). Her current passion is finding creative ways to address the needs of the modern leaner. Cara has a master’s degree in instructional technology from the University of Georgia.