P16 Instructional Story Design: A Process for Corporate Transformation
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Tuesday, March 21
Many thought leaders have come forth with scientific evidence for the power of stories. They share how to develop a good story and how to deliver it in an engaging way. Story development isn’t usually considered part of the instructional design process, but what if the power of stories could be used as a template for superior instructional design?
This workshop will explore how stories have the power to move people to action. You’ll learn how to fold traditional instructional design methodologies into the contour of a story. You will examine the common story elements of characters, conflict, setting, climax, and resolution, and how to consider the entire design process as part of the story. From analyzing the learning need and audience to delivery, performance support, and evaluation, the story lives at each phase of the design process. You will leave understanding how instructional story design will engage your organization throughout the life of a corporate training initiative.
In this session, you will learn:
- About the difference between vignettes and instructional stories
- About fundamental concepts for instructional story design
- How to develop characters based on the people you work with
- About the importance of building a physical scene to enhance learning
- How to address corporate and training goals using conflict
- How to use the story for performance support
- How to experiment with various technical and non-technical approaches of story distribution
- How to develop an action plan for building relationships that add to the corporate story
to advanced designers, managers, directors, and senior leaders (VP, CLO, executive,
etc.). Attendees should be familiar with instructional design and interested in
new ways to use these methods along with technology to distribute information
that helps people collaborate and grow.
Technology discussed in this session:
Aurasma, Poll Everywhere, survey tools, internal/external social sharing
platforms, social brainstorming, email (yes, email), and xAPI.

Katie Stroud
Master Story Crafter
Incremental Success
Katie Stroud is a master story crafter at Incremental Success. Her roles in instructional design, technical writing, and consulting led her to develop a story-based approach to address the unspoken culture that lingers in every corporate initiative. The process is based on scientific studies that explain why people do what they do. It helps to find what inspires them to change behaviors in support of corporate goals.